Hughesville locals
Christopher Secules, a graduate of Hughesville High School, son of Tom & Karen Secules, husband of Jennifer Malinovsky and father of Ehlana and Garin Secules is in a unique and unfortunate medical situation. He has a progressive autoimmune disease called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) that has a consequence of destroying the liver. Recently it has progressed to the point that he needs a liver transplant. If anyone is interested in being screened as a liver donor for Chris, contact him directly at (610) 739-6472 or at
Please consider these four things before calling: Donors are limited to ages 21 to 49; donors would need to be A+ blood type; Donor’s would need to have a height near 5’6″ and a weight around 150 lbs. The decision must be the donor’s decision with no external influences. Chris is incredibly thankful for any thoughts and/or prayers for him and his family.
Last week I watched an old movie called “Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows”. It is a story about students and nuns who travel across country on a school bus. They were complaining that it cost them $12.40 to fill up the bus with gas. When that movie was made, little did we all know what lay ahead! The latest price I saw this morning was $3.84 per gallon, and that was one of the better prices out there.
Hughesville events
The American Red Cross will be holding a Blood Drive on Monday, April 9 at the Hughesville Fire Hall from 12 noon 6 p.m. Please help to donate to this very important cause. It could save a life.
Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville will be hosting weekly Lenten Services every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. The meditations for this service will be a study of the Lord’s Prayer. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Bethany United Methodist Church will be holding a Ham & Bean Soup Sale on March 30. Please order by March 28 by calling 584-2044 or 584-2301.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Jacob Buck-Mar. 19; Nellie Myers-Mar. 20; Ethel Guisewhite Mar. 21; Heather (Swisher) Hearn, David Wertz, Pastor Tom Brokaw, Michael Ayers, Sarah Ayers, Amy Barto, Heather Hearn, Carmen Rupert and Jesse Wagner Mar. 23; Nicholas Martinelli, Kathie Frantz, Carl Simpson, Alaina Bower, Asher Ulmer and Joey Rogers Mar. 24; Abby Hess, Tyler Smith, Christine Wagner-Baur, Taylor Falk and Kristin Walters Mar. 25; Shirley Michael, Scott Stitzer and John Vandine Mar. 26; Cindy Freed and Cindy Mueller Mar. 27; Russell DeWire, Isabelle Holmes, Mary Pardoe, Cindy Montgomery and Jessica Green Mar. 28; Karen Snyder, Nathan Ritter, Jennifer Rush and my very good friend Pauline Pauline (Freezer) Barber Mar. 29; Dan Sheehan, Elva Mae (Barto) Worthington, Irene Colabine and Gloria Green Mar. 30; Kierra Croucher, Sally Powers, Kari Shaner, Kati Shaner, Clair Karchner, Peg Shearer, Mickey Deppen and Jim Wagner Mar. 31.
Happy Anniversary to: Rusty & Beth Bitler and Dan & Missy Rogers Mar. 28; Don & Thelma Blair Mar. 31.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.