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Hughesville locals

By Staff | Apr 3, 2012

This week marks the holiest of weeks on the Christian calendar. Take advantage of the many services taking place. To mention a few: The Moreland Baptist Church will present the “Last Supper Drama” on Thursday, April 5 at 7 p.m. There are many other Maundy Thursday services that evening as well. Good Friday services will take place at Christ United Methodist Church in Hughesville from 12 noon 3 p.m. The seven last words and various choral selections will be presented. Trinity Lutheran Church will be holding a Tenebrae Worship service at 7 p.m. that evening as well. There will be a Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday at Mt. Zion beginning at 7 a.m., plus many other worship services throughout Hughesville in the morning.

Apparently many of life’s questions can be answered by the movie “Star Wars”. For instance, my son and his friend were having a discussion about the recent charges against the New Orleans Saints football team. They were questioning what a “bounty” was. Then they reasoned that it must be something you get paid to do because Boba Fett was hired by Darth Vader to find the Millennium Falcon, and Boba Fett was a bounty hunter. Good to know these kids can think things through!!

Hughesville events

The American Red Cross will be holding a Blood Drive on Monday, April 9 at the Hughesville Fire Hall from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Please help to donate to this very important cause. It could save a life.

The Hughesville Garden Club will meet on April 9 at 7 p.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church.

The 39+ Club, visitors and adults 50 years and older can learn about preventing falls and staying active at a workshop scheduled for the April 10 monthly meeting. Healthy Steps for Older Adults will run from 12:30 to 2 p.m. The event will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church. A covered dish dinner will begin at 11:45 a.m.

Huntersville Area Senior Citizens will meet at Huntersville United Methodist Church on Wednesday, April 11 at 5 p.m. for a tureen dinner. Please bring table service and a dish to share.

Happy Birthday to: Victoria Dirk, Faith Holmes, James Green, Carl Plank, Sandy Malara, Mary Knopp, Dustin Fry and Marian Harman Apr. 1; Joanne (Vandine) Schumacher, Doug Spotts, Laurie (Frantz) Suarez, Gayle Badger, Yvonne Fogleman and Walter Kunz Apr. 2; Libby Armstrong, Anita Houseknecht, Jennifer McConnell, Houston Bryant, Kora Gardner, Archie Jones, Richard Sanders and Jared Whitmoyer Apr. 3; Travis W. Doebler, Anthony “Tony” Malinovsky, Sheila Clementoni, Sharon Gladfelter, Tami Hutson, Bonnie Myers, Doris Warn, Mitzi Berrier, Helen Shoemaker, David Taggart and Eleanor Verrico Apr. 4; Roger Duttry, Alice Jayne (Andrews) Marcey, Wanda Holliday, Neel Row, Loretta Bieber, Lewis Jones and Matt Roedts Apr. 5; Bill Harvey, Cloyd Swisher, Randy Swisher and Wayne Zeisloft Apr. 6; Rodney Clementoni, Dick Welsh, Chuck Lawver, Harold Fry, Daniel Jodry, Sara Stauffer and Steve Worley Apr. 7; Robin (Welker) Duttry, Beth Marcey, Dot Barto, Natalie Freed, and my two great friends Ruth (VanBuskirk) Fry and her twin sister Mary (VanBuskirk) Albano Apr. 8; Kennadee Houseknecht, Ginger Hoover, Earl Fraley Sr., Jared Houseknecht, Carol Marie Stein and Lisa Stugart Apr. 9; Becky (Waltman) Fought, Barbara (Leavy) Spotts, Barb Corcelius, Nancy McCarty, Joe Russell, Richard Michael, McKelvey Brink and Wendy Snyder Apr. 10; Michelle (Mincemoyer) Rohrbach, Mary Sones, Ivan Machamer, Wilma Phillips, Carol Ann Stein and Tanya Strausser Apr. 11.

  • Happy Anniversary to: Roy & Beverly Walters Apr. 1; George & Phyllis (Stiger) Creasy and Paul & Donna Lee Shaner Apr. 6; Brett & Crystal (Reese) Gordner and Earl Jr. & Carol Fraley Apr. 9; Donald & Dorothy Fague Apr. 11.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.