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Hughesville locals

By Staff | Apr 10, 2012

Last week we were able to take advantage of the many church services throughout the area. One of these was a Tenebrae service. Although very simple, it was also dramatic and extremely thought provoking. The Methodist churches in town performed their Easter cantata, complete with a mob scene and life like crucifixion. If you were unable to attend any of the services, I highly encourage you to carve out some time next year so that you can take advantage of them.

Easter hit our house in a big way this year; lots and lots of family and food, plus an Easter Egg hunt encompassing two yards. Now it’s on to more spring time activities, like weeding the garden, mulching and getting the rest of the yard ready. Personally, I think the Easter Egg hunt was more fun.

Don’t forget April 15th is fast approaching! If you need tax forms, the Hughesville Library has forms and instructions available during library hours.

Hughesville events

The Hughesville Library will host a preschool story hour with Miss Lea on Friday, April 13 at 10:30 a.m. Several stories and a simple craft will last about an hour. Please sign up at 584-3762 so that there are enough materials for everyone.

Friends of the Library announce its spring book sale. During April and May, buy a plastic grocery bag of books for $2.00. This includes paperbacks, hard covers, videos and audio-books that are in the sale room. Help the library create space and get some “good reads” cheap. The Library also has subscriptions for current magazines for patrons to read at the library or to borrow. These magazines cover news, health, food, sports and self-improvement.

Bethany United Methodist Church will be holding a Ham & Bean Soup Sale on March 30. Please order by March 28 by calling 584-2044 or 584-2301.

Happy Birthday to: Victoria Dirk, Faith Holmes, James Green, Carl Plank, Sandy Malara, Mary Knopp, Dustin Fry and Marian Harman Apr. 1; Joanne (Vandine) Schumacher, Doug Spotts, Laurie (Frantz) Suarez, Gayle Badger, Yvonne Fogleman and Walter Kunz Apr. 2; Libby Armstrong, Anita Houseknecht, Jennifer McConnell, Houston Bryant, Kora Gardner, Archie Jones, Richard Sanders and Jared Whitmoyer Apr. 3; Travis W. Doebler, Anthony “Tony” Malinovsky, Sheila Clementoni, Sharon Gladfelter, Tami Hutson, Bonnie Myers, Doris Warn, Mitzi Berrier, Helen Shoemaker, David Taggart and Eleanor Verrico Apr. 4; Roger Duttry, Alice Jayne (Andrews) Marcey, Wanda Holliday, Neel Row, Loretta Bieber, Lewis Jones and Matt Roedts Apr. 5; Bill Harvey, Cloyd Swisher, Randy Swisher and Wayne Zeisloft Apr. 6; Rodney Clementoni, Dick Welsh, Chuck Lawver, Harold Fry, Daniel Jodry, Sara Stauffer and Steve Worley Apr. 7; Robin (Welker) Duttry, Beth Marcey, Dot Barto, Natalie Freed, and my two great friends Ruth (VanBuskirk) Fry and her twin sister Mary (VanBuskirk) Albano Apr. 8; Kennadee Houseknecht, Ginger Hoover, Earl Fraley Sr., Jared Houseknecht, Carol Marie Stein and Lisa Stugart Apr. 9; Becky (Waltman) Fought, Barbara (Leavy) Spotts, Barb Corcelius, Nancy McCarty, Joe Russell, Richard Michael, McKelvey Brink and Wendy Snyder Apr. 10; Michelle (Mincemoyer) Rohrbach, Mary Sones, Ivan Machamer, Wilma Phillips, Carol Ann Stein and Tanya Strausser Apr. 11; James Smith and Merle Ediger Apr. 12; Sierra DeWire, Joe Foresman, Alex Schultz, Ryan Fought, Chris Myers, Dennis Fry, Beth Stugart, Daniel Davis, Sr., Cheree Ediger, Gloria Stackhouse, Robert Wise and my good friend Amy (Rider) Wallis Apr. 13; Linda Wilson, Samantha Fraley, David Gardner and my good friend Janine (Kepner) Miller Apr. 14; Mary Love, Milissa Hammond and Joyce Peterman Apr. 15; Francis Getgen and Hannah Lunch Apr. 16; Erica Charles, Sherry (Dugan) Feigles, Mary Ann Heller, our good friend Greg Houseknecht, Logan Long, Danny Phillips and Christopher Swisher Apr. 17; Brooke (Warburton) Anstadt, Monica Hill, Marietta Frank, Richard Barto, Lenny Newton, Samantha Strayer and Galen Walters Apr. 18; Michelle “Shelley” (Rayhorn) Holmes, Gene Winter, Ariana Copeland and Edgar Whitmoyer Apr. 19.

Happy Anniversary to: Roy & Beverly Walters Apr. 1; George & Phyllis (Stiger) Creasy and Paul & Donna Lee Shaner Apr. 6; Brett & Crystal (Reese) Gordner and Earl Jr. & Carol Fraley Apr. 9; Donald & Dorothy Fague Apr. 11; Pat & Tammy Pulsifer Apr. 12; Jesse & Jean Houseknecht Apr. 13; J. Wayne & Joni (Shaner) Ritter and Scott & Ann (Barto) Milheim, Galen & Mary Lee Ryder and Denny & Brenda Wagner Apr. 14; Francis & Heather Getgen Apr. 15; Jeremy & Amanda Swank Apr. 18; Ira & Loretta Bieber Apr. 19.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.