Montgomery locals
On Saturday, April 14, the Montgomery Area Historical Society held an event on PA State Gamelands #252, the former Village of Alvira. This small village was part of a large acreage of land in White Deer Valley that was taken by the War Department in 1942 in order to build the Pennsylvania Ordnance Works.
The P.O.W. manufactured TNT for the war effort for eleven short months. The homes and churches that stood there were destroyed, and only 500 of the 8,600 total acres taken were returned to the original owners. The Historical Society gave walking tours, highlighting the foundations and steps that remain, as well as the many cemeteries scattered throughout the former village. There were also tours by horse-drawn wagon. The video presentation showed many pictures of the homes and farms that once existed there, followed by the P.O.W. buildings that took their place.
Montgomery events
April 27 Cub Scout Camp Out, Pike Drive-In Theatre, Rt. 15 Montgomery. If interested, email
April 28 “The Great Black Hole Creek Clean-up”, from Montgomery to Riverside Campground, rain date May 5.
May 8 Montgomery Elementary PTO Meeting, 7 p.m, Montgomery Elementary Library, 120 Penn Street.
May 19 Montgomery Community Yard Sale, All day, throughout Montgomery.