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 “The Charm of the CAMEO” theme for upcoming ELHS tea

By Staff | Apr 17, 2012

Patricia Shreiner (center) displays a few cameos from her collection to committee members, Caroline Swartz (left) and Suzanne Conley. They and other volunteers are preparing for a fourth annual tea to benefit the East Lycoming Historical Society.

HUGHESVILLE-“The Cameo, its charm and history,” will be the theme for an upcoming tea hosted as a fundraiser by the East Lycoming Historical Society.

Displaying several pieces from her private collection of cameos will be speaker Patricia Shreiner. “I became interested at an early age attending auctions and antique shows with my grandfather and mother, Frank and Doris McClain. Both had a keen eye for quality antiques and encouraged me to start a collection,” Shreiner said.

Over the years, Shreiner purchased cameos at auctions, from dealers; and received many as gifts. Among her favorites is one recently added to her collection belonging to her late aunt Evelyn Fithian. It depicts ‘Rebekah at the Well,’ a Biblical scene often depicted in Victorian cameos.

“Although it is believed cameos existed as far back as 300 B.C., materials from which they were made are varied,” Shreiner said. The speaker favors cameos from the Victorian Era, many of which were carved of shells. Examples from various mediums will be shown at the tea.

Schreiner had retired after 35 years in elementary education with the East Lycoming School District. “The extra time allows me the opportunity to attend more auctions,” the collector said.

Tea guests are encouraged to wear a cameo, and if desired, vintage dresses, hats and gloves.

Servers will be local high school students who’ll carry to intimate tables of four, pedestal stands laden with savories and sweets.

Among the savories will be the melt in your mouth scones and clotted cream made by Kim Singer. The English born native has a special flair for baking the fare which is served with imported English Tea. With soft music in the background to set the mood, guests are invited to sip, enjoy and socialize.

The society’s fourth annual event will again be held in the cozy Fireside Room at the Friends Church, South Third Street, Hughesville, Saturday afternoon, April 28 at 2 p.m. For more information and reservations phone 546-6992.