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Hughesville locals

By Staff | Apr 24, 2012

Hughesville events

Hughesville Senior Citizens will meet at Hughesville Baptist church on April 27 at noon for a tureen meal. Meat will be supplied. Bring a dish to share. Entertainment will be Bob Ferrell. New members are always welcome.

Bethany United Methodist Church will be having a Sugar Cookie Sale on Friday, May 4. Order by May 2 by calling 584-2044 or 584-2301.

The 5th Annual George E. Nace Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 5 at the Wynding Brook Golf Club. Deadline to register is April 26. Please call 584-5256, 584-4841 or 584-2534.

Happy Birthday to: Ross Gottschall, Lauren Long, Frausteen Richart, Michael Rush, Matthew Swisher and Stefanie Weaver Apr. 27; Shirley Crawley, Karen Markle and David Whitmoyer Apr. 28; Nikki Helwig, Josh Russell and Casi Fry Apr. 29; Catherine Gordner, Emalee Lunger and Tyler Houseknecht Apr. 30.

Happy Anniversary to: Cliff & Joanne (Vandine) Schumacher Apr. 28; Gary & Nancy Houseknecht and Jay & Barbara Snyder Apr. 29; Vernon & Susie Temple Apr. 30.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.