Montgomery locals
Last week, the Montgomery Area High School Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) sent four representatives to FBLA States, held annually in Hershey, PA. The students qualified in specific events at the regional level in order to compete at the state level. John Goetz competed in Public Speaking II, Alesha Glass competed in Healthcare Administration, and the team of Kyle Deisher and Casey Smith competed in Desktop Publishing. Kyle and Casey placed eighth in their event at States.
A very big congratulations to all four students. FBLA is an educational group that prepares students for careers in business. The Montgomery FBLA is advised by Mrs. Betty Marr. The group regularly has representation at the state competition.
Montgomery events
April 27 Cub Scout Camp Out, Pike Drive-In Theatre, Rt. 15 Montgomery. If interested, email
April 28 “The Great Black Hole Creek Clean-up”, from Montgomery to Riverside Campground, rain date May 5.
May 8 Montgomery Elementary PTO Meeting, 7 p.m., Montgomery Elementary Library, 120 Penn Street.
May 19 Montgomery Community Yard Sale, All day, throughout Montgomery.
May 19 Black Hole Creek Fishin’ Derby, call Becky at 547-6289 for more information. Rain date will be June 2.