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Montgomery locals

By Staff | May 1, 2012

Happy May! With summer just around the corner, what better time than now to finish off that spring cleaning. Dig out your closets, and clear out all that stuff that’s been under your bed for months (or longer). Remember that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure; you can clean up all of your old “junk” for the upcoming Montgomery Community Yard Sale on May 19. You’ll make a few extra bucks and give new life to your old treasures!

Montgomery Events

May 8 – Montgomery Elementary PTO Meeting, 7 pm, Montgomery Elementary Library, 120 Penn Street.

May 19 – Montgomery Community Yard Sale, All day, throughout Montgomery.

May 19 – Black Hole Creek Fishin’ Derby, call Becky at 547-6289 for more information. Rain date will be June 2.

June 2 – Montgomery Lion’s Club Auction, Montgomery Borough Park Pavilion.