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Hughesville locals

By Staff | May 15, 2012

Congratulations Elly Sherman for winning an award for the essay and art contest held at the Lycoming County Courthouse to honor Law Day. As a 7th grade student here in Hughesville, you were the only one who placed from our area.

Kudos to Hughesville Rotary for a great tasting meal on Saturday and staying up all night at the fire hall cooking that pig outside for the BBQ sandwiches.

Try to catch the Arts Festival at the Junior Senior High School tonight and tomorrow night. Both nights will feature a live concert at 7 p.m. and art displays of the students will be shown in the gym.

All day gobbler season started Monday and will end May 31. According to the Game Commission even though we had an early spring, there is still plenty of time to “harvest a gobbler.” Also starting this week the commission reported that hunters can hunt one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset.

Hughesville events

Bike-A-thon 1 to 3 p.m. at Lycoming County Fairground. Use the 2nd Street entrance. Proceeds will benefit the parades and children’s Christmas party at the fire hall. Registration is at 12:30 p.m. Call Denise at 584-4025 or Suzanne at 584-5929 for more information.

This weekend Strawbridge-Dedron Methodist Church, 10 miles north of Hughesville on Rt. 220, will be holding their annual Home Made Days from 9 to 3 on Friday and 9 to 1 on Saturday. Check out all the baked goods and flea market too! Lunch will be served.

St. John Lutheran Church in Unityville will be having an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord dinner starting at 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 19.

The Tri-Town Relay For Life event will be held from Friday, June 1 at 4 p.m. through Saturday, June 2 at 4 p.m. on the Hughesville High School Track. Come and take a walk around the track; It’s for a good cause and you can get some good exercise as well!

Moreland Baptist Church will be holding a Service of Installation for a new Pastor, Reverend Bob Ingraham and also for his wife, Beverly Ingraham, the Minister of Worship Arts, on Sunday June 3 at 3:30 p.m. Speakers will include Rev. Dr. Frank Frischcorn (ABCOPAD Region Executive Pastor), Rev. Dale Miller (Sr. Pastor of First Baptist in Bethlehem) and representatives from the Northumberland Association and the East Lycoming Ministerium. Special music will be provided by Tom Hallett and the Moreland Baptist Worship Choir. Nursery staff will be provided and the service will be followed by a meal in the fellowship hall. A free will offering will be collected. Moreland Baptist Church 118 Moreland Baptist Rd. Muncy, PA.