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Muncy Historical Society welcomes Alumni

By Staff | May 21, 2012

MUNCY- The Muncy Historical Society celebrates Last Friday and Alumni Weekend with its “Walk Down Memory Lane” Exhibit on Friday, May 25. The exhibit hours are Friday, May 25, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 26, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Light refreshments will be served during exhibit hours.

Banners, beanies, yearbooks, pins and rings are just a few pieces of school memorabilia on display. Band uniforms have been placed near the circa 1910 drum and Sprout-Waldron and Moran Hotel baseball uniforms share the one glove in the Society’s collection. A 1930s Boy Scout uniform sits alongside a 1960s Girl Scout outfit. Lora Snyder’s 1930s storybook redwork quilt hangs with the quilt presented to Maggie Spring in 1905 by her Eight Square students.

The “alumni oral history project” DVD which features segments from thirty-five alumni and student interviews will be shown during all exhibit hours. Eleven students, from seventh through eleventh grades and twenty-four alumni, spanning eight decades of Muncy School experiences, participated in the interview process. Discipline, teachers, lockers, favorite subjects, sports, band, and free time activities are just some of the topics interspersed throughout the oral history documentary.

The Society will also introduce its new initiative to expand the appreciation and enjoyment of Muncy’s most iconic art. The first offering, “The Muncy Valley” has been reproduced in both canvas and print formats. In 1858 Daniel Clapp, a wealthy Muncy merchant, commissioned May Calder, who was the first artist hired to teach oil painting at the prestigious Muncy Female Seminary, to paint the Muncy valley. The artist set her easel at the head of one of the ravines in the Muncy Hills and captured this beautiful vision which can now be part of anyone’s private art collection.

More information is available by calling the Muncy Historical Society at 570-546-5917. On the Internet at www.MuncyHistoricalSociety.org or email at MuncyHistoricalSociety@aol.com