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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Jun 19, 2012

Congratulations to the Montgomery Area High School baseball team on an incredibly successful season. The 2011-2012 Red Raiders will go down in school history as the first team to make it to the state championship game. What a great example of what teamwork and perseverance can get you. Though we didn’t win the game, this baseball team has inspired the town. We’ll get ’em next year; great job boys!

Watch for the Fourth of July fireworks! They’re one of the area’s best!

Montgomery Area Events

June 18-23 – Montgomery Fireman’s Carnival, Montgomery carnival grounds.

June 21 Own the Night Sleepover, 8 p.m. at Montgomery House Warrior Run Area Public Library, 20 Church St., McEwensville.

June 23 Montgomery Fireman’s Parade, forms at 3 pm at Montgomery Weis Market, moves at 5 pm.

The McNett Country Band will be presenting a show during the summer concert series at Milton Community Park, Front Street, at the gazebo on Thursday, June 29th, at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited. Contact for information; Tim McNett (570) 547-6928.