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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Aug 29, 2012

Last week’s Little League World Series was another successful one, just a stone’s throw away, over the mountain from Montgomery. The kids from all walks of life showed the world what teamwork and tolerance can lead to – victory. These teams accepted both winning and losing with grace and dignity, and they taught us what we should strive towards. The best part is that this event happens every year, in our backyard. Another point of pride in our area, that we are teaching the world’s youth strong values, under the fun disguise of baseball.

Little League World Series is one of our last local events of summer with the team from Japan capturing the title. What a great event this has become. It’s especially wonderful that in this day of world tensions, a team from Uganda was able to participate alongside teams from all the other inhabited continents.

If you missed out on the event this year, be sure to check it out next year. Some of Montgomery’s finest organizations and people volunteer at the games every year, and I’m sure they’d love to see your familiar face! Welcome visitors and good luck kids on your first day back to school Monday.

Be sure to check out the new Adam Room Museum located below the Montgomery Public Library on One Houston Ave. The Montgomery Historical Society is leasing space on the bottom level of the public library building to showcase all the wonderful artifacts and historical memorabilia from the historical society.

Montgomery events

Tim and Shawn McNett & Band will provide music at the Morris Home Coming on Sunday, September 2. Entertainment begins at 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come early for the bountiful breakfast and enjoy the events throughout the day.

September 5 Montgomery Elementary School Open House, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., 120 Penn St., Montgomery.

September 11 – 11th Annual 9-11 Memorial Ride, Memorial Service at 5:30 p.m., Ride immediately after, Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Co., 2311 Rt. 54 Hwy, Montgomery.

September 18 Montgomery Area School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Montgomery Area High School, 120 Penn St., Montgomery.