Hughesville locals
Tonight (Wednesday) is the yearly exhibition of high school bands in Lycoming County. This event is one of our area’s most enjoyable showcases of local musical performance. This year’s event takes place at Montoursville High School stadium and I encourage everyone to go watch and listen to delightful music and intricate marching formations. The last portion of the program is a spectacular massing of all the instrumentalists and guards – what a phenomenal visual and auditory experience!
The Picture Rocks Lions club will begin making its famous sauerkraut on Tuesday,?September, 25th at 8:00 a.m. at the garage in back of the McCarty-Thomas funeral home in Hughesville. Remember, you do not have to be a Lions Club member to help out. It is a great way to meet a group of wonderful people and yes, it is a fair amount of work, but it is also lots of fun!! Sauerkraut committee chair is Bill Foresman (584-3509). They begin selling their wonderful sauerkraut in December.?The first Saturday in October is the day of the annual Bi-Planes, Trains, and Antique Cars event in Eagles Mere. The Eagles Mere Museum has planned for many events throughout the day for people of all ages. From 11-2 a railroad engineer will be at the museum talking about railroading adventures, from 1-2 a children’s program will feature a re-enactor sharing stories of riding the rails from Williamsport to Eagles Mere in the early 20th Century, and from 4-6 there will be an artwork display featuring local artists. While you are enjoying the museum and shops in Eagles Mere Village, check out the materials about planes, trains, and cars available at the Eagles Mere Bookstore, truly one of the Gems of the Endless Mountains!
Many children in our community are taking part in athletic competitions, from the beginner 4-year-olds in AYSO right up through the high school varsity teams. Whether you prefer to watch games under the lights or during autumn Saturday afternoons, I hope everyone gets a chance to cheer for their favorite competitors. I’m watching the weather reports so I know when I have to carry my woolen blankets along to the games!
Hughesville events:
Wed., Sept. 19, 7 p.m., Lycoming County Band Directors Annual exhibition, Montoursville High School stadium.
Tues., Sept. 25, beginning at 8 a.m., Picture Rocks Lions Club Sauerkraut making, behind McCarty-Thomas Funeral Home, Hughesville