Hughesville locals
September is slipping away from us, but I intend to get as much time on my bicycle as I can before I have to put it away for the winter. There have been freeze warnings in the state in recent days and I’m afraid it won’t be long until we see Jack Frost here in the valley. A sure sign of autumn is the Hughesville High School Homecoming. This year’s parade and festivities take place this Friday, September 28, preceding the football game versus North Penn. Go, Spartans!
The Greater Hughesville Business Association is busy making preparations for their annual “Five to Drive” promotion among businesses in and around the borough. The association encourages everyone to check out the deals available right here on Main Street before you travel for shopping you’ll be pleasantly surprised! More details will be available soon, so watch for your chance to support local businesses and maybe win a new car!
Hughesville Area Public Library will be hosting a display of works by members of the Pennsylvania Mountain Laurel Decorative Painters, beginning October 1. Artists from a wide area of central Pennsylvania will showcase items of all types which have been embellished with intricate, decorative painted designs. This group is a regional chapter of the national association, the Society of Decorative Painters. Be sure to stop in at HAPL and take a look at this display. While you are there, you may find a book, video, or jigsaw puzzle to take home. If you need magazines for reading pleasure or for use in creating projects for school, scouts, or 4-H, check out the baskets of free magazines that HAPL has available.
Additionally, the library staff is busy planning some interesting evening events for patrons. Dates are being set for a discussion on feeding wild birds by Wes Egli, and a presentation on astronomy by David Reese. Both will be held during the month of October. Look for more detail in next weeks column.
Hughesville events
Friday, September 28, 6:00 pm. Hughesville High School Homecoming Parade and Football Game
Through October: Display of Tole painted items at Hughesville Area Public Library, 146 South 5th Street