Montgomery locals
Congratulations Linda Scott of Montgomery for winning a grand prize at the Taste of Home Cooking Show on October 16. We hope you enjoy your new range.
For the past ten months, I have had the pleasure of writing this article, and in turn, learning a great deal about Montgomery and the surrounding area. This will be my final article, as I am moving to York, Pennsylvania, with my fianc, Kevin. I will continue to work as a Marketing Coordinator for SupplySource, out of our Camp Hill office, and I am looking forward to learning more about my new home. I am leaving you in the capable hands of Montgomery Area High School students, who will offer you a fresh perspective. It has been an honor to write for you every week, and I will miss it greatly, and thanks for reading.
Montgomery Area Events
Nov. 4 – Montgomery Area Historical Society’s Adam Room open from 1-3 p.m., below the Montgomery Area Public Library.
Nov. 13 Montgomery Elementary PTO Meeting, 3:30 p.m., Montgomery Elementary Library, 120 Penn St., Montgomery.
Nov. 20 – Montgomery Area School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Montgomery Area High School, 120 Penn St., Montgomery.