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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Nov 20, 2012

It is difficult to believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Some of my fondest holiday memories are of Thanksgiving. It was my mother’s favorite holiday. She used to get very upset that Black Friday and Christmas would overshadow the meaning of Thanksgiving.

As much as we all look forward to our individual beliefs and celebrations of Christmas time, I encourage you all to first have a happy Thanksgiving. Take some time to reflect on what you have to be thankful for and celebrate the day with your loved ones.

I would like to remind the Montgomery community to contact me with any events you would like posted in this column. I am sure that the upcoming holiday season will bring about many events in our area. I can be reached via email at cmcnear@montasd.org.

In the meantime, plan on coming to the Montgomery High School Play on December 1st. The students have been busy with rehearsals this month.

Montgomery events

Free clothing giveaway in Watsontown. Joseph’s Closet at Watsontown Methodist Church, 1319 8th St. Drive, will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. A free lunch will be available at the Church’s Shepherd’s Kitchen.

Montgomery’s music and theatre ensemble, Virtuoso, will be holding its fall play on Saturday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. Tickets can be reserved by emailing Mrs. McNear at cmcnear@montasd.org or by calling (570) 547-1608 ext. 118. Tickets are discounted for seniors, students, and children. The play is a comedic 1940’s gangster murder mystery.

The Montgomery Band program will be holding its annual Holiday Concert on Wednesday, December 5th at 7:00 p.m. Both the Middle and High School bands will be performing.

The Warrior Run Fort Freeland Heritage Society will hold their annual Candlelight Service at the Warrior Run Church at the corner of Susquehanna Trail and 8th St. Drive on December 8th at 7 p.m. Rev. Michael Reece, Minister of Delaware Run Wesleyan Church will lead the service. Hot spiced cider and cookies to follow. There is no heat in the Church so dress warm and bring a flashlight to read by.