Muncy locals
I can’t wait until the last Wednesday in February when I can go back to the United Methodist Church in Pennsdale for another buffet meal. The food was so good I went back for more, and I seldom do that. But I couldn’t resist the home cooked food prepared by Tom Springman and his catering staff from the Country Store. Pork and sauerkraut is probably my most favorite meal and he sure did know how to cook it. And the dessert table kept my husband going there three times to my dismay, but the members of the church baked all those home made pies and cakes that were on the table. And who could resist that! Mr. Springman did an outstanding job and he donated his time and the food so the church could financially stay out of a deficit.
In fact I was at the United Methodist Church twice this week in Pennsdale. The following night the Susquehanna Valley Quilt Guild had their monthly meeting there. The church has a nice social hall, flexible and very accommodating. The room had been transitioned from a dining hall to a quilt exhibit and sale. The members are a working congregation and many events take place there including Sunday school. Of course, all are welcome as expressed by Pastor Rob Ransom whom I saw working hard at the buffet dinner clearing tables.
Groundhog day is almost here. I am hoping for an early spring.
Sat. Feb. 2 Groundhog Day Walk at Montour Preserve from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Explore the lore and facts about groundhogs.
Feb. 4 to April 13 Small Strides ages 7 to 11 will take place at the East Lycoming YMCA every Monday and Wednesday after school from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. For more information call Buffy at 546-8822, ext. 208.
Feb. 9 Safe boating course sponsored by US Coast Guard Auxiliary in Williamsport, Flotilla 15-01 to be offered at Gander Mountain from 9 to 5. To register call 435-2193.
Winter Journaling, Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Montour Preserve from 10-11:30 a.m. Presented by Jon D. Beam, Senior Naturalist. Keeping track of nature is something to do all year long, even in winter when nature is pared down to its bare bones. Starting with a brief discussion about nature journaling and observation, participants will go outdoors to make some observations. Dress for weather and time outdoors. Bring a notebook and pen or pencil or a camera to record your observations.
Feb. 12 free workshop at Vision and Learning Center, 112 S. Main St., Muncy from 6 to 7 p.m. Is your child struggling in school? ADHD or vision problems? The symptoms overlap. Call to register at 546-4885.