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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Feb 5, 2013

I hope this week finds you all well after the very bizarre weather trends we have been having. Even at my age, though, it is still exciting to receive that “snow day” call in the morning. I realize that I will still have to make the day up, but there is something very relaxing about that unexpected vacation day.

Perhaps the month of February will bring us more stability with our weather. If not, I encourage you all to find a way to make your own “snow day” and relax. It is good every now and again for our minds and bodies.

I wish you all well this month and ask that churches contact me with any upcoming Lenten and Easter season services and activities.

Next Sunday is the celebration of the Chinese New Year.

Montgomery events:

An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held today at the Elimsport United Methodist Church, 16145 South Route 44 Highway, Allenwood. The drive will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 1-800-733-2767.

Sunnybrook Meadows will be having a volunteer training on Saturday, February 9 at their facility, 425 State Home Road in Montgomery from 1:30 p.m to 3:00 p.m. Sunnybrook Meadows is a Therapeutic riding organization with opportunities to volunteer a few hours a week in the spring on evenings and Saturday mornings to help prepare for the Special Olympics. Help others and get some exercise too. To help out contact Elizabeth Herbst at 547-1565 or e-mail elizabethherbst333@gmail.com

The Montgomery Area School District will hold its February board meeting on the 19th at 7:00PM.

The Oak Grove Community Center offers BINGO every Monday evening. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and bingo begins at 6:00 p.m.