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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Mar 15, 2013

It looks as if we have beat “Old Man Winter”. With the beautiful weekend weather and the time change, it is really beginning to feel like spring. I have actually seen some flowers starting to bloom. I hope they can survive the unpredictable temperatures that March so often brings.

Montgomery Elementary is gearing up for their Fine Arts Night to be held this evening. We are very fortunate to still live in a district that values the Arts and their importance to a well- rounded education.

Our Odyssey of the Mind teams are also preparing for their annual competition held in Berwick this Saturday. It is great to see so many students involved in these extra curricular activities.

Stay tuned for the next meeting of the “Revitalize Montgomery” committee as well as the announcement of their spring tree planting initiative. Plans are currently being finalized for this step in the committee’s beautification process. The date will be announced soon. Get involved in this worthwhile organization!

Just a reminder to our area churches to consider sending in your Lenten and Easter service information.

Contact me at cmcnear@montasd.org with any upcoming events.


“Revitalize Montgomery” will hold general planning meetings on Wednesday, March 13th and Wednesday, March 27th. The meetings are held at 10:00AM at the Borough Building.

A “ROCKin’ Street Fair” is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13th, 2013, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at Montgomery Elementary School. The street fair is in celebration of their annual Fine Arts night. Graffiti-style posters, strolling musicians, a juggler and a mini food court will combine to create a festival atmosphere for Montgomery students, families and friends. Elementary chorus and band will perform, and high school art and graphic design students will portray famous artists as they lead various art activities. Actors, dancers and singers from an upcoming high school performance of the musical “Tarzan” will conduct workshops. For this year’s art exhibit, each elementary student from grades Pre-K through 5 has painted a rock. After the exhibit ends, the painted rocks will become part of a permanent outdoor rock garden. Music and art teachers Susan Palazzo, Mary McGarvey, Brian Rehn and Cari McNear have coordinated the event.

The joint public meeting of the Muncy, and Black Hole Creek Watershed Associations will meet Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Hughesville Library. The speaker will be Andrea Young, a long time watershed association member. Andrea will give a Power Point presentation of the recent 800′ creek bank remediation project on Little Muncy Creek. The project, originally designed by Dave Keller of PA Fish & Boat Commission, has adaptations and 900 additional trees planted on the adjacent floodplain. The public is encouraged to attend. There will be a meeting of the Muncy Creek Watershed Association after the presentation.

The next public meeting of the Montgomery Area Historical Society will be held at Stone Church on the grounds of the Bureau of Prisons, Allenwood. The featured program will be a living history reenactment of a Civil War era prayer service. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00. Please use the Allenwood Camp Road access near the White Deer Golf Course.

The Montgomery Area School District will hold its March meeting on Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room.

The KingdomKidz puppet ministry of Milton, PA will present “Countdown to Easter” at New Covenant Assembly of God, 1270 Pinchtown Rd., Montgomery on Wednesday evening, March 27 at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited. There will be free Easter candy for all children. For more information, please call 570.547.1503 or visit newcovenantassembly.org.