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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Apr 5, 2013

Easter has come and gone. I hope all of you and your loved ones had a nice holiday. April is here and spring events should be in full swing. I would love to be able to mention all of the community and church events happening in Montgomery and surrounding communities. Please consider contacting me at the email address below so that we can highlight these worthwhile happenings.

Stay tuned for the next meeting of the “Revitalize Montgomery” committee as well as the announcement of their spring tree planting initiative. Plans are currently being finalized for “An Adopt A Tree program as part of the committee’s beautification process. Get involved in this worthwhile organization! The date for the next meeting is Weds. April 10 at the Montgomery Borough Office at 10 a.m.

Contact me at cmcnear@montasd.org with any upcoming events.