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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Apr 30, 2013

It was a very exciting week for the Montgomery Borough. The long awaited tree-planting project began. The Revitalize Montgomery committee has been working tirelessly to see this portion of their initiative come to fruition. I had the privilege of attending one of the various tree-planting sites with my son and his Scout pack this past Saturday.

Throughout the week, different community members as well as area and school clubs and organizations lent their time to this worthwhile beautification project. In all, 61 trees were planted around Montgomery. Congratulations to the committee and to the town on your efforts.

I hope to hear from you soon on your upcoming spring events. Don’t forget about storytime every Tuesday night at 6:30 at the Montgomery Library.

Contact me at cmcnear@montasd.org with any information you would like posted in this column.