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Montgomery locals

By Staff | May 7, 2013

I had an occasion to drive past the boat launch area near Montgomery Park this past weekend. It was beautiful to see the newly planted trees starting to take life. I continue to be so pleased for the borough and commend their tireless efforts to revitalize and beautify our community.

Montgomery Virtuoso performed for record-breaking crowds in last weekend’s spring musical. On behalf of all of the students involved, we would like to thank the school, community, and surrounding community for their support of our music and theatre program.

On the sport’s front, two of our senior track members have broken school records in the pole vault. Kiana Gough and Dominic Galanti finished their regular season by setting records and are gearing up for post-season competition.

The Montgomery Elementary school held its Spring Fling on May 3. It was great to see so many families turn out to support the school and the students involved in the carnival.

Montgomery events

The Montgomery Band program will hold its annual spring concert on Tuesday, May 7 at 7:00 p.m. The concert will be held in the middle and high school auditorium.

Ray of Light Awards, Sun. May 12, Community Arts Center, Williamsport. Red Carpet festivities begin 4:30 p.m. and award at 6 p.m.

The Black Hole Creek Fishin’ Derby will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 18 at the Bower Street Bridge on Main Street in Montgomery. Children under 13 may participate, and a drawing for prizes will be held. For more information call 547-6289.

Contact me at cmcnear@montasd.org with any information you would like posted in this column.