Montgomery locals
It was a busy week at the school. There are definite signs that the end of the year is near. The high school held its annual prom this past weekend. End of year testing is underway and the schedule for graduation events has been posted. I will be sure to provide those dates for the family and friends of our seniors in an upcoming column.
I would like to take this opportunity to share with all of you what I shared with our juniors and seniors on prom night. We all need to be responsible with our decisions and be safe and smart when driving a car or travelling with other people. We want these special events and moments in our lives to end as good memories rather than bad.
On another note, many communities are gearing up for Relay for Life events. Please contact me if you have a team participating in one or more of these walks.
Montgomery events
Thursday, May 16, Chicken BBQ at St. John Lutheran Brick Church, Rt. 405, Montgomery from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Children under 6 eat free. Takeouts available by calling 547-6423.