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By Staff | Sep 24, 2013

Vote for your favorite chili at Muncy’s 4th Friday Chili Cook-Off this Friday, Sept. 27 starting at 5 p.m. in downtown Muncy.

The next meeting for the Susquehanna Valley Quilt Guild will be held on Friday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Pennsdale United Methodist Church, 658 Village Rd, Pennsdale, Pa. Note change in meeting date! The program that evening will be a presentation by Jill Shaw from 118 Fabrics. She will be presenting a short program on what to do with all those accumulated scraps. Jill will also be teaching a workshop on Saturday, September 28th on scrap quilting. Members are reminded to bring their BOM’s for both the months of August and September. Patterns and guidelines are available on the guild’s website. This teaching guild is always open to new members and welcomes any guests. For any further info on the guild, go to www.susqvalleyquilters.org or call 570-547-1940.

Gun show Sept. 28 & 29, Pennsdale Civic Center.

Saturday, Oct. 12 Get a Closer Look at Trees Getting Ready For Winter at the Montour Preserve from 1:30-3:00 p.m. Meet in Environmental Education Center. Presented by Jon D. Beam, Senior Naturalist. Each individual tree is a living, breathing organism that goes through an annual cycle in its life. Join us for a walk among the trees to explore what autumn bring to trees and how trees prepare for the coming seasons. We’ll examine some individual trees on a leisurely walk through the woods. Binoculars will be helpful to view some features of the trees.

The Sullivan County Fall Festival will be October 12-13 at the Forksville Fairgrounds, Rt. 154, Forksville, PA.