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Hughesville locals

By Staff | Oct 1, 2013

September certainly had some wonderful weather, didn’t it? Our area has been somewhat dry, but there has been little to complain about. I wonder if October will bring about change in more ways than simply being more colorful! I doubt if I will be able to leave my jacket at home for many more days. The lack of a frost has really extended the gardening season, and the mums and other fall flowers are really spectacular. The weather was super for a visit to the Bloomsburg Fair, something I haven’t done for a long while. I didn’t have the endurance to eat my way around the grounds, but we had a good time.

My granddaughter thinks I am terribly behind schedule since I don’t have my Halloween decorations out yet. Somehow I can’t feel like putting out jack-o-lanterns when the weather is in the high 70’s or even 80’s! I do notice that a lot of folks around town agree that it is time for all the orange and black, so I suppose I will have to get the boxes out of the attic but not until a cooler day!

Just in time for a nice drive up the mountain to view the beautiful autumn foliage, Sullivan County and eastern Lycoming County are the sites for several events that will give us all a chance to get outside and also to support many worthwhile causes.

This Saturday there will be fun activities, craft and food vendors, and displays of historical events in both Lairdsville and Eagles Mere. The following weekend, October 12 & 13, you can enjoy two events in Sullivan County, the Sonestown Heritage Festival and, in Forksville, the Sullivan County Fall Festival. Load up the car and head out!

I was recently reminded that the first week of October has been designated (by whom, I don’t know!) “Get Organized Week”. I have been trying to remember just what the floor looks like in the darker corners of my sewing room (affectionately known in our family as the Black Hole of Calcutta). I have been making progress on clearing out some of the things that have accumulated, but it seems to take a lot more effort to clear out than to “put it there for now”. We have done some renovations in our century-old house in the last couple of years and there are always things that need to be put aside for safe-keeping; this room seems to be the favorite spot. I am determined to make my way into that corner very soon!

Have a great week and good luck with all your organizational endeavors!

Hughesville Events

Sat. Oct. 5 1st Annual Spartan Eco-Tech Run/Walk to benefit the East Lycoming Education Foundation. Entire 5K course held on the School District property. Off terrain walk, no roads. Registration begins at 8 a.m. in the stadium.

Sat. October 5, 10 to 4, Bi-Planes, Trains, and Antique Cars, Eagles Mere Green and surrounding area

Sat. October 5, 1 p.m. to 5, Fall Festival in Lairdsville, sponsored by the Lairdsville Community Volunteer Fire Company

Fri. October 11, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Pre-School Story Hour, Hughesville Area Public Library, 146 South 5th Street. Call (570)584-3762 to register your 3-5 year old child.

Sat. October 12, 7 p.m. Greenwood Valley Boys perform at St. Mark’s Church, Lairdsville

Sat. & Sun. October 12 & 13, Sonestown Heritage Festival

Sat. & Sun. October 12 & 13, 9-5, Sullivan County Fall Festival in Forksville. Chainsaw carving and obstacle course.