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Hughesville locals

By Staff | Oct 14, 2013

Usually when I take our dog outside for her late evening walk we see very few people or cars, but recently there seem to have been some strange things happening. Last Friday we encountered an unnatural flow of water on Broad Street which turned out to be a water main break. There was still a trickle flowing down from Water Street to Cemetery Street on Sunday evening. Hopefully this has been repaired by the time you are reading my account. Those who have to do the repair are at least having mild weather for the task!

Saturday evening I was returning to my home with the dog when we saw three cars at the same intersection, two of which appeared to be law enforcement. They made some slow but interesting changes of direction in the intersection, but I didn’t think much about it until I was made aware that a robbery had been reported at the Uni-Mart on Main Street! I hope our evening walks resume their usual calm, quiet character in which the most exciting event is the occasional shooting star!

The East Lycoming Historical Society has two programs coming up that should be marked on your calendar. The first, on Monday, October 21, will feature Ben Duke whose grandfather switched sides from South to North during the Civil War.

On Monday, November 18, Bill Bailey from Bloomsburg will present the Whitmoyer family history, including the story of the massacre of members of the family near Jerseytown in Columbia County. Both meetings will be held in Stuempfle Hall of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hughesville. The ELHS museum, near the church on Main Street, will be open prior to both meetings. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend these programs.

Many churches in the area are celebrating “Harvest Home” this month. Collections of food items and cash for the support of food pantries and other charities mark these events, but there is always a need for your support through all seasons of the year.

While most of the outdoor festivals and fairs are over for this calendar year, there are many organizations that have events planned for the coming weeks. With the arrival of hunting seasons there are a variety of opportunities for hunters, and of course the upcoming Halloween observance will feature the annual parade preceding the “Trick-or-treating” hours on October 31. It’s always fun to see the variety of floats and costumes; I’m sure the parade will have many “crowd-pleasers”.

Hughesville events

Saturday, Oct. 19, Smorgasbord Dinner at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Unityville starting at 4 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 20, 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Breakfast at the Lairdsville Community Volunteer Fire Company.

Monday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m., East Lycoming Historical Society meeting and program, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 121 South Main Street.