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Muncy events Jan. 29, 2014

By Staff | Jan 30, 2014

Son-Light House Distribution Days Feb. 5 & 6. Weds. from 9:30 to Noon and Thurs. from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., 130 Carpenter St.

Feb. 7 Make Valentine cards at Meck Senior Center, 50 Fitness Lane, Muncy at 12:30 p.m.

Free hearing screenings for all ages will be provided at Susquehanna Health’s LifeCenter, Lycoming Mall, in partnership with Blue Cross of Northeastern PA by Susquehanna Health Audiologist Kimberly Dzikowski. Appointments will be offered from 10:15 am to 12:30 pm on Thursday, February 13. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-877-883-4791.

Saturday, Feb. 15, WINTER TREES: A CLOSER LOOK, 1:30-3 p.m. at the Montour Preserve.

Meet in Environmental Education Center. Presented by Jon D. Beam, Senior Naturalist. Winter is a quiet time for trees. They are leafless and dormant through the colder months. Without leaves they are more difficult and challenging to identify than in summer. Join us for a walk in a winter woods. We will discuss how trees adapt to the cold of winter. We’ll also explore tips and techniques for identifying some common trees using bark, twigs and buds. And, we will talk about animals associated with trees. Dress for the weather and time outdoors.