Hughesville Locals May 14
We know the warm weather is here to stay when each evening brings the sound of lawn mowers as homeowners and maintenance crews try to keep grass trimmed to a manageable height. I have been noticing the aroma of grilling steaks and other savory treats and am glad to be able to enjoy a meal outdoors once again. Another great sound that I’ve been enjoying is the sound of cheers and celebration from Bodine Park when the HHS baseball team plays. They have just finished a top-notch season, leading the league and giving us many reasons to be proud of them. Way to go, Spartans!
There are many outdoor activities coming up in the area, and one of the most anticipated is happening this weekend. Carz and More, the 1st annual Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show, sponsored by the East Lycoming Education Foundation, will take place on Saturday in the parking lots of Hughesville High School and Ashkar Elementary School. Early Saturday morning we will also hear the sound of dozens of motorcycles as they rev up for the Fifth and Final Sarah Frycklund Memorial Ride. Both events are dedicated to supporting local students with scholarships and other educational support.
Memorial Day is being observed rather early this year, on May 26, so there is only another week until the weekend that generally is viewed as the beginning of the summer season. It’s one of my favorite holidays, since we can enjoy being outside, but more importantly, we honor the service and devotion of those who have served our nation in military service. I hope everyone will make it a priority to attend at least one of the local parades and services. Please make sure to take your children to see this sharing of patriotism and respect.
During the holiday weekend the East Lycoming Historical Society invites everyone to the museum on South Main Street for a special Open House commemorating the presentation of the museum building to the society (and the whole community) by George and Pauline Montgomery some 8 years ago. It has taken many hundreds of volunteer hours, plus several upgrades of building systems, to bring the museum to its current state. Stop by and view the displays, talk with the docents about your memories of Hughesville, and enjoy some refreshment on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Take a moment to enjoy the wonderful scent of the many flowering trees along Main Street and throughout the town!
Hughesville Events:
Sat. May 17 The Fifth and Final Sarah Frycklund Memorial Ride to support the HHS scholarship established in Sarah’s memory. Begins at HHS parking lot, ends at the Glenn Sharrow American Legion post on Main Street.
Sat. May 17, 9 to n3, Carz and More, HHS/Ashkar parking lots.
Sat. May 17 smorgasbord dinner at St. Johns Lutheran Church, 3 miles west of Unityville, along Moreland Baptist Road starting at 4 p.m.
Sat. May 24, 6:30 p.m. HHS Alumni Banquet at Hughesville Fire Hall. For tickets phone Paul McCoy at 570-584-2277 or Tom Smith at 570-584-3531.
May 26 Memorial Day Parade and Services