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Montgomery Locals July 9

By Staff | Jul 8, 2014

My family and I just returned home from our annual vacation to North Carolina. This year was a bit more interesting due to Hurricane Arthur hitting the coastline. We experienced heavy winds and rain, but the storm was in and out in less than 24 hours. The hurricane blew out just in time for the 4th of July parade and fireworks to begin.

Montgomery will be holding its next “Second Saturday” event on July 12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The committee plans to keep all activities on Main Street. There is space on the sidewalks and space in the former Bait Shop for vendors or clubs to set up displays. Musical entertainment will be provided by George Nash and “Off the Wall” DJ services. Matt Colgrove from “Audiobox” and local talent, Christie. The area Girl Scout organization will provide a lemonade stand. There is still space available for any interested clubs or vendors to participate.

An addition to this “Second Saturday” will be a stand promoting “Hometown Hero Banners” to honor our military. In conjunction with the Lycoming County Veterans Association, we are asking for sponsors to purchase a banner that will be displayed on Main Street in Montgomery. Applications will be available at the Saturday events, the Montgomery Borough Office, and Montgomery Weis Store. Anybody with questions is asked to contact Fae Herb via email: fh5260@aol.com. We ask individuals, families, businesses, and groups to help with sponsorships. Deadline to return applications, payment and pictures is September 11.

Revitalize Montgomery is also working to obtain a grant from Susquehanna Greenway to build a river trail along the river once they get approval and easements accomplished. Maps and suggestions were discussed at last week’s meeting that met at Valley Rehaab. Interested volunteers are always welcome to participate.