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Muncy Locals Sept. 17

By Staff | Sep 16, 2014

Mon. Sept. 22, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. osteoporosis screening offered. Risk for osteoporosis increases with age, menopause, inactivity and lifestyle choices or inherited tendencies.The LifeCenter, Lycoming Mall. For an appointment, call 1-877-883-4791. This service is provided in partnership with Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Sept. 23 discussion on TLC for your knees at the Meck Senior Center at 11:30 a.m. followed by Share the Road Bingo at noon. Home safety for seniors on the 24th at 11:30 a.m.

The Muncy Woman’s Club will meet on Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Muncy Historical Society, S. Main Street, Muncy. Presentation of new officers and speaker for the evening will be Louise Fulmer, Lycoming County Master Gardener. Hostesses are Nancy Springman, Karen Myers, Elaine Leaver and Donna Hoy.

Weds. Sept. 24, All you can eat buffet at Pennsdale Trinity United Methodist Church, 658 Village Rd., 4-7.

Heritage Days in Turbotville behind Warrior Run High School October 4 & 5.

Weds. Oct. 6 Town Hall Meeting with Representative Garth Everett at Muncy Area Volunteer Fire Company in Clarkstown, Rt. 442, Muncy from 7 to 8:30 p.m.