Hughesville Locals Oct. 1
While the daytime temperatures have seemed like summer, nature is giving us many indications of the time of year. My backyard has had wild visitors that don’t show up until autumn has begun. We had a fascinating couple of close encounters with a praying mantis last week, and over the weekend I spotted the first red-headed woodpecker since last winter. Starlings and grackles are flocking together, with more than fifty in our yard, moving across the grass like a combine, gathering whatever it is that they eat.
This year any birds or other creatures who like to eat gnats should be putting on lots of weight. Everyone who has spent any time outdoors has complained about these nasty pests. I thought I might end up running across the yard in a frenzy when we were doing some cleanup. Whenever I stood still, those pesky flying beasts were trying to get to my eyes and ears, and I was reluctant to breathe or talk for fear of ingesting some of them.
Sports teams from our local schools are having great weather for their fans to watch their competitions, although it may actually be a bit too warm for those who are playing football, soccer, tennis, or softball, running in cross-country track, cheering, or marching in the band. There are many scheduled matches and games still to come, so you have time to get out there and root for the Spartans!
Hughesville Area Public Library is changing some of the featured books and displays to reflect the change of season, as well as to commemorate October events. Did you know that the first week of October has been proclaimed to be ‘Get Organized Week.’ The library can help you with that laudable goal. At HAPL you will find several guides for establishing good places to keep things, as well as strategies to help you decide what needs to be thrown away or donated. Interestingly, the same week has been designated “National Space Week”, so whether in the sky or in your closets, the same theme is at work.
I don’t know much about what’s happening with drilling, pipeline development, or other aspects of the local natural gas industry, but I have noticed that there seems to be some industrial site work both north and south of the borough. The number of large trucks, both tankers and rigs, lead me to think activity is on an upswing. We’ll see how things “play out” over the next few weeks and months.
Hughesville Events:
Saturday, Oct. 11, 10-4 6th Annual Bi-Planes, Trains, & Antique Cars event in Eagles Mere
Saturdays, October 11 & 25, 1 to 3 p.m. Fiber Fillies needlecraft guild session, East Lycoming Historical Society museum, 66 South Main Street.