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Hughesville Locals June 10, 2015

By Staff | Jun 9, 2015

Remember when it was 20 below and we had four feet of snow on the ground? (At least that’s what it seemed like back in February!) Isn’t this warm weather a welcome time of the year? While I haven’t found the right combination of window opening and blanket weight to be comfortable till morning, I do enjoy the fresh air and all the wonderful growth of the greenery around the house.

Residents of the East Lycoming School District can be very proud of the recent graduates who are setting out on their life pathways. Graduation was held last Friday and it was delightful to see so many bright young adults celebrating this milestone. It will be sad to have so many of them scattered far and wide as they pursue further education or employment, but we hope to see them all in the area as often as possible. Congratulations to all members of the class of 2015!

We have another reason to be proud of our school district. ELSD has been recognized by the American Heart Association as a Gold-Level Award recipient in the Fit-Friendly Worksites recognition program. This program is free for employers and provides tools to create a healthier workplace environment. Our school district is one of three in Lycoming County to have been selected by a national committee for this award, and is a testament to the efforts to help all staff members maintain better health.

Have you visited Old Immanuel Church? This Sunday you can visit the place where 18th Century settlers in our area worshiped together. Lutheran churches throughout eastern Lycoming County were begun as off-shoots of Old Immanuel, which was a predominately German-speaking congregation. After the annual memorial service, you can stroll through the adjoining cemetery and see the names of many who established their homes here when the area was truly “the wilderness”. The Rev. Ronald Montgomery, a Hughesville native, will preside over this year’s celebration.

Make your plans now to help celebrate Father’s Day. It’s coming up in just over a week and you’ll want to make it special for the dads in your life! Also pick up the fair booklets now availabe at the Fair office.

Hughesville Events

Saturdays, June 13 & 27, 1 to 3 p.m. Fiber Fillies fiber arts guild meets at the East Lycoming Historical Society museum, 66 South Main Street, Hughesville. This group is dedicated to sharing the enjoyment of all types of fiber arts. Membership is always open and assistance available for whatever fiber arts project you choose.

June 15-19 Vacation Bible School at Bible Baptist Church of Huntersville, 1229 Dutchtown Rd. For all children ages 4 to those entering 6th grade. To pre-register call 435-3440.

Sun. June 14, 2 p.m. Memorial Service at Old Immanuel Church, Lime Bluff Road.

Mon. June 15 Summer Reading Kick-off Day at Hughesville Area Public Library, 146 South Fifth Street.

Sat. June 20 Billtown Blues Festival, Hughesville Fairgrounds, noon to ten p.m. Tickets available in advance or at the door.

Sun. June 21 Father’s Day

Fri. June 26 GHBA 17th annual golf tournament at Mill Race, Benton. Registration time at 11:30 a.m. Shotgun start at noon. Call Pauline Barber to register at 584-2101. Proceeds benefit Christmas parade and children’s party and the GHBA scholarship fund.