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Hughesville Locals June 24, 2015

By Staff | Jun 24, 2015

Summer is here and I plan to savor every day! Some of the recent days have not been ideal for using the pool or yard, but between rain showers and tornado watches, I try to get outside as much as possible. I don’t want us to have drought conditions, but it seems like we are getting an exceptional amount of rainfall recently. A dry spell would be somewhat welcome.

Have you had some of the locally grown strawberries this month? My mouth begins watering at the thought of the luscious berries my daughter and I picked last week. We’ll be enjoying strawberry shortcake for dessert for a while! We are so lucky to live in an area with many sources of local produce. I need to plan my shopping trips to include time to get all my fresh produce at one of the farmer’s markets or farm stands.

It is time to plan for your entries for the Lycoming County Fair. It’s only a few weeks until the fair begins, so get your booklet now so you can be ready. It’s fascinating to see all the displays and creations that are featured at the fair. You can enter your projects or produce, or perhaps you have livestock that you’d like to enter in the many competitive categories. There are entry forms online at the Lycoming County Fair website, www.lycomingfair.net, and the fair offices are now open from noon until 6 p.m. for more information.

If you haven’t started your summer reading list yet, it’s time to head for the Hughesville Area Public Library and see all the newest books that are available. You might like to pick up some vacation reading material in the Friends of the Library Book Room where there are hundreds of titles at bargain prices, or maybe you need a book on CD for travel entertainment. Be sure to make time for regular visits to your public library.

Picture Rocks Borough has also posted a notice to receive a new Flood Insurance Rate Map and a new Flood Insurance Study for Lycoming County and can be reviewed at their office Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to noon. If you are in a flood zone, you still have time to file an appeal and questions can be directed to 584-6362.

Hughesville Events:

Sunday, June 28, 9:30 a.m. First week of summer schedule for the Hughesville Charge of the United Methodist Church. Services thru the month of July for Bethany and Christ churches will be combined services and will be held at Christ U.M. Church,148 So. Main St. each Sunday @ 9:30 a.m. Pastor Jane O’Borski is now conducting a short worship and prayer?gathering at 6 PM each Wednesday at Christ U.M. Members and visitors are welcome.

July 16 25, 2015 Lycoming County Fair