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Hughesville locals July 15, 2015

By Staff | Jul 20, 2015

Summer is such a great time of year! It would be nice if time slowed down a bit so the days would last a bit longer, especially those evenings like last Saturday when we were enjoying what seemed like the most perfect family dinner on the patio. I suppose that I would grow complacent and wouldn’t appreciate those special times if they were commonplace. I hope we have many more such times.

There are many opportunities for getting outdoors at fun events in the next few weeks. Of course the chief event coming up is the Lycoming County Fair! Thursday is the first of ten days of exhibits, animal shows, craft and produce displays, entertainment, and tempting food. I hope to see all my favorite things and maybe learn something new when I visit. It’s hard to name my favorite thing about the fair, although I always try to get at least one ride on the Ferris wheel! The view of our valley and the surrounding hills is a treasure.

Summer Reading continues at Hughesville Area Public Library with programs and lots of books, magazines, and films for your relaxation time. When you are ready for a break from the sun and heat, head for the air-conditioning at HAPL. I really like to take a book out on the porch swing after dinner and travel off to a whole new world just a step away from my front door!

Two local authors will be featured this summer at the Eagles Mere Bookstore. The first book-signing will be this Saturday when Dr. T. W. Shoemaker is at the bookstore with his newest book about life in Sullivan County, “The Satterfield Flyer”. Coming up on August 1 is Mrs. Dara Oden, Hughesville high school teacher and author of children’s books. Mark your calendars now for these special events so you can meet both of the authors and get signed copies of their books.

Hughesville events:

Thursday July 16 through Saturday, July 25, The Lycoming County Fair

Weds. July 22, 4 to 8 p.m. Eagles Mere Civic Club Flower Show, at the Community Hall on Laporte Avenue in Eagles Mere. Those who enjoy flower arranging will want to attend or participate in the Eagles Mere Civic Club’s Annual Flower Show. This year’s entries will reflect the theme “Decades”. There are different criteria for entries for each decade ( e. g. the 1930’s or 1960’s). There is also a Youth Division for younger gardeners and florists. Parking is available, admission is free (donations gratefully accepted), and refreshments will be served.