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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Apr 28, 2021

Jade Heasley

Summer is coming. Or at least I hope so after seeing snow flakes fall last week which I found thoroughly horrifying. Thankfully it didn’t accumulate, but the sight was still mildly traumatizing after seeing all the flowering trees open up recently.

Nonetheless, it’s going to be unbearably hot and humid soon. If you have a pool or are thinking about getting one, the Montgomery Volunteer Fire Company will fill it up for a donation. It’s the perfect opportunity to prepare for summer while helping our local heroes who always come running to the rescue whenever emergencies arise. Not to mention they will be able to fill it up a lot quicker than you would be able to with a garden hose.

If you want to take advantage of this service, please call the MVFC President Steve Cook at (570) 492-8157.

Montgomery Events and Announcements

Happy birthday to Euvi Solano, who will be celebrating on April 28.

Birthday wishes go to Jonny Rider, who will commemorate another trip around the sun on April 29.

Tuesday, May 4 – The Eagle Grange will be hosting Jamie Maggs from State Representative Jeff Wheeland’s office at 6:30 pm. She will give a talk about the upcoming voter referendums in May. Everyone is welcome, social distancing measures will be in place, and everyone must wear a mask.

It’s almost time for Montgomery Community Yard Sales. They will be held on Saturday, May 15, whatever the weather. Fae Herb is compiling a map of all the yard sales so stop by Coles Coffee, Craft, & Consignment, Weis Market, or the Borough Office to get your form. They must be returned to Fae by Friday, May 7.

The Montgomery Area Alumni Association regrets to announce they have cancelled their annual banquet because of COVID-19 safety concerns. They want the public to know they hope to resume the Alumni Banquet next year.

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