Montgomery locals

Jade Heasley
Summer officially started on Sunday and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I’m sure most of you are, too.
While COVID-19 numbers are dropping and restrictions are easing, it’s good to think that life will start to become more normal again. No one knows how long it will be until COVID-19 goes away completely, if it ever does, but hopefully that day will come soon.
In the meantime, I hope that this summer will be one of the best and most memorable of your life. Use good judgement to avoid COVID, but for as much as you can safely have fun, please do. Go swimming, sit around the fire and make smores, enjoy time with your family and friends, listen to the Beach Boys, laugh, and have fun.
After this last year and a half, we all need some carefree days.
Montgomery Events and Announcements
Every Monday through Friday from 11:30-12:30 Shawn Marie Coles is giving away free lunches at her shop to children who would normally be provided with a free or reduced price lunch during the school year. If you would like to make a donation to help Shawn please drop it off or mail it to Coles Coffee, Craft, & Consignment, 10 South Main Street, Montgomery, PA 17752.
If you want to do something to help out the Montgomery Volunteer Fire Company, please consider donating Gatorade or bottled water at the station. Fighting fires is much harder on them in the summer than other times of the year.
Wednesday, June 23 – Book Buddies will be held at the library at 11 am. This group is geared towards toddlers and preschoolers, but families are welcome. Please preregister and plan to accompany your child.
Thursday, June 24 – Footprints of Montgomery will have an alternate opening from 10am-12 pm for their clients who couldn’t make it to the previous distribution.
Thursday, June 24 – T N’ T will meet at 3 pm at the library. This activity group is for ages 10-17. Preregistration is required.
Friday, June 25 – The library will give away Pet Pals-themed take home kits. This craft kit corresponds to Summer Reading content.
Friday, June 25 – A Welcome Summer Party will be held by Throttle Up Community Church. It begins at 6 pm and there will be arts and crafts, games, food, and beverages. A movie on the lawn will be shown at 8:30 pm. Everybody is welcome.
Saturday, June 26 – The library will have Story Time at the Park at noon, located in the little park behind the library. Please preregister.
Monday, June 28 – Mocktail Monday will be held at the library at 5 pm. This is a new activity for adults. Preregistration is required.
Tuesday, June 29 – The library will host a family program called The Young and The Restless at 1 pm. Everyone must preregister.
Wednesday, June 30 – Book Buddies will be held at the library at 11 am. Please accompany your child and preregister.
Wednesday, June 30 – The Clinton Baptist Church will have Energize, Exercise, and Socialize from 1-3 pm. The activities will include a devotion, 20 minutes of chair exercises, games, and a snack. This group is for adults.
Thursday, July 1 – T N’ T will meet at the library at 1 pm. Preregistration is a must.
Friday, July 2 – The library will be giving children take home craft kids. The theme will be Celebrity Critters.
Saturday, July 3 – Montgomery Borough Fireworks will be held on the carnival grounds from 8:30-10 pm. The MVFC will have the Firemen’s Kitchen open beginning at 3 pm. Fireworks begin at dusk. The rain date will be Monday, July 5.
THOT – “Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink in the wild air.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson