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Tri-Town Locals

Montgomery locals

Montgomery Locals By Jade Heasley Summer vacation has officially arrived for the town’s school kids and teens. The school year was undoubtedly unusual due to all the COVID-19 restrictions, but kudos to the students, parents, staff, faculty, and administration for making it through a ...

Montgomery Locals

The school’s music department presented the cleverly titled “Concert in the Park(ing Lot)” last week. The musical performance was held outside and the audience was spread across the parking lot in socially distanced lawn chairs. It has been well over a year since any live ...

Montgomery locals 5/5/2021

May 8 is Victory in Europe Day, the day that United States and Great Britain accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945. I’ve been fascinated by World War II for many years, and I love watching the newsreel footage of people in cities around the world crowding together, ...

Montgomery locals

Summer is coming. Or at least I hope so after seeing snow flakes fall last week which I found thoroughly horrifying. Thankfully it didn’t accumulate, but the sight was still mildly traumatizing after seeing all the flowering trees open up recently. Nonetheless, it’s going to be ...

Montgomery locals

Last week was National Library week, and to mark the occasion the Montgomery Area Public Library posted all sorts of interesting facts on their Facebook page. Did you know that our library is home to over 13,000 books and over 1,700 DVDs? I’m old enough to remember when the current ...

Montgomery locals

The Montgomery Area Public Library will be starting a Teen and Tween Book Club in April. The club is for ages 11 through 17 (or 18 for seniors in high school). The Book Club will be held once a month, and the first meeting will be on Monday, April 19 at 4:30 pm. Nicole Loffredo, the Library ...

Montgomery Locals

Spring officially arrives on March 20, but as the weather has been getting warmer and the snow has been melting, one other sure sign of spring appeared last week – Montgomery Community Yard Sales were announced.  This year they will be on Saturday, May 15, rain or shine. Fae Herb is ...

Montgomery locals

After what seems like a relentless and punishing winter of enduring snowstorm after ice storm, we finally got some nice weather. Last Wednesday the sun was shining and the temperature in town hit a blessed fifty-three degrees! I was so happy to see some nice weather that I went for walk in a ...

Montgomery locals

The Montgomery Area Public Library spent the days leading up to Valentine’s Day with displays of materials meant to appeal to all ages and tastes.  Vases of flowers and heart-shaped wreaths decorated many of the various displays. The children’s section was filled with a sweet ...

Montgomery locals

The Montgomery Volunteer Fire Company has announced that the Community Aid Box will remain at the Carnival Grounds. The department said that a number of the bins have been pulled from the local area so it’s good news. The Fire Company is compensated for every pound of clothing that is ...