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Ferrell Elementary School Wins Blue Ribbon Award

By Staff | May 5, 2009

Pictured presenting a Department of Education Bronze Blue Ribbon Plaque to George A. Ferrell Principal William Knapsack, is Ferrell P.T.A.C. President Kim Cordrey. The plaque will be mounted on the front of the school.

The George A. Ferrell Elementary Blue Ribbon Celebration was held in Picture Rocks on Friday, April 24th. The weather was picture perfect. Throughout the day, parents, volunteers, students, and staff worked diligently finalizing and assembling the seven floats representing each grade level at the school for the parade.? Some of the noteworthy participants in the parade included members of the military, PA Senator Gene Yaw, PA Representative Garth Everett, the Hughesville High School Marching Band, past and present administrators Mr. Ned McClintock, Mr. George Weigand, Mr. David Price, Mr. Tom Paternostro, Dr. Susan Bigger, and Mr.William Knapsack. Attending the Blue Ribbon Celebration to share their support were administrators Mr. Ron Lorson, Mr. Tom Coburn, Mrs. Suzy Foresman, Donna Gavitt, and Deb Sherlinksi. Also riding in the parade was former 5th Grade Ferrell teacher Shirley Crawley, and a car-full of alumni from Ferrell’s 1st Grade class of 1950.? The Picture Rocks, Hughesville, and Lairdsville Volunteer Fire Companies were represented. Other vehicles included; antique cars, Ronald McDonald and friends, motorcycles, and a golf cart. Along the parade route many people decorated their homes and businesses with blue ribbons and signs. Community pride was evident as many residents were on hand to cheer for the accomplishment of the school.? Disc Master Brian Barkley provided music for all events happening in the park. Cub Scout Pack 79 organized a kickball game after the parade. A cook out featuring pulled pork sandwiches and hot dogs was provided after the parade in the park to all who wished to attend, and between 800- 1,000 meals were served. Sponsors included the East Lycoming School District, Nutrition Inc., the George A. Ferrell P.T.A.C., and McDonalds. Many thanks have been expressed by members of the Food Committee to the community for the outpouring of donations and support? Tours of the inside of the Ferrell School, built with an unusual style of brickwork in 1926, provided people a chance to revisit memories of past years and reminisce with friends and family. Other opportunities available to remember the “good old times” of the past eighty-plus years included; scrapbooks and yearbooks which were on display in the library. In the cafeteria, a slide show of the actual Blue Ribbon presentation, which occurred this past fall, was shown throughout the evening.? Former Superintendent Tom Paternostro was the guest speaker. He focused on past renovations and the unique history and qualities of the George A. Ferrell School. His humorous stories provided insight into the trials of gutting and rebuilding the school while still providing a quality education for the students..? The evening concluded with a special presentation of a Department of Education Bronze Blue Ribbon Plaque to the Ferrell staff by the P.T.A.C. This accomplishment would not have been possible without the dedication of the past and present teachers, staff, administrators, students and parents of the George A. Ferrell Elementary School.?