Bethany Women Bake 250 Dozen Raisin Cookies
HUGHESVILLE – Since the beginning of the month, the Bethany Ministry Women of Bethany Methodist Church in Hughesvile have been working on their best fundraiser for the year. “We love to bake,” said Helen Nace of Hughesville and one of the main organizers of the event. For two weeks the women have been taking orders to sell raisin filled cookies by the dozen. For the past ten years about thirteen women come together volunteering their time rolling, baking, mixing and shopping for ingredients that are mostly donated, except for the raisins, added Nace.
Each week the women made about 130 dozen cookies for customers to pick up at the church. Last Friday they started about 5:30 a.m. and finished baking the last tray close to 1 p.m.
“We got the recipe from another church in Bloomsburg when we first started the fundraiser. It proved to be real successful. We had a few orders in the beginning, but now we sell over a hundred dozen each week. We had to cut it off after the two weeks,” Nace said.
The women plan on selling sugar cookies the first week in May.