Poker Run raises money for Veterans Memorial

PICTURE ROCKS- A Poker Run motorcycle event was held as a fundraiser for the Veterans Memorial Park in Picture Rocks on Saturday, May 14 and was sponsored by the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, Pennsylvania Chapter 22-1. Over 45 motorcycles registered that morning at the Picture Rocks Fire Department according to borough president, Eugene Otterbein.
Rev Charles Mercer conducted a wedding at the fire hall between two of the cyclists who came from the Pittsburgh area for the run.Rev Mercer also said the invocation prior to the ride starting.
The riders followed a route from Picture Rocks to Lairdsville, Ricketts Glen, Laporte and finished up at the Sonestown American Legion Post where all enjoyed a wedding celebration, hot dogs, hamburgers, and live music.
The fundraising efforts totaled $1750 in cash plus donations and memorial brick sales. A check was presented to Otterbein by chapter commander, Scott Baker.
Picture Rocks will be having a parade and service at the cemetaryover theMemorialweekend. “Next year we would like to see the parade route changed to include the Vet Park. We did not include the park this year since we are still waiting for a monument,” Otterbein said.