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Montgomery Alumni Held 106th Reunion

By Staff | Jun 17, 2011

Representing the earliest graduating years in attendance at the Montgomery Area Alumni banquet were (left) Emily Kilgus Rupert, class of 1936 and from the class of 1941, Betty Pfleegor Muir.

MONTGOMERY – Montgomery Alumni Association president Polly Pentz Shrey welcomed 203 members and guests to its 106th annual reunion where members of the Clinton Township Fire Company served a banquet at the company social hall.

The invocation was given by James Kuhns of The Plains, Virginia, class of 1961. Reunion classes represented included 1936 through 1981, with Emily Kilgus Rupert, lone representative of the earliest class, and Betty Pfleeger Muir, class of 1941. Traveling greatest overall distance to attend was Ed Zarr of Mesa, Arizona. Annually the association recognizes the member of what they refer to as the “golden anniversary class.” Traveling the most miles from Tulsa, Oklahoma was Jenean Kachurka Beaver.

The class of 1961 had 21 members present and Robert Miller presented the association with a check to aid the reunion fund. This year, the eight seniors receiving $500 include Brittany Berger, Veronica Foster, Alec Galanti, Kayla Gamble, Emily Gherghel, Loryn Kennedy, Samantha Lowmaster and Jessica MacPhail.

The Margaret Stolz scholarship totaling $800 was presented to Derek Russell.

Two scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each and funded by the class of 1956 went to Courtney Kitchen and Karen Yeagle.

Former teachers in attendance were William Sandmeyer and George Decanbach.

Historian Leona Dewalt shared a brief history of the association in which she said fifty cents was the fee for the first banquet in 1906 when the class of 1905 graduated.

Marion Decker McCormick was credited with collecting photos and news clippings for the famed scrapbooks beginning in 1968, passed on and added to by Dewalt since the 1980’s.

The evening ended with dancing music provided by DJ Craig Miller.