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Art at the Pennsylvania Capitol

By Staff | Nov 29, 2011

State Representative, Garth Everett, Muncy, welcomes artist and photographer, Paul Barrett, Hughesville, to his district office at the State Capitol in Harrisburg on Weds. Nov. 16. Barrett's photography will be on display until Feb. 1.

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania is home to the nation’s first capital, the first rolling mill, the first all motion picture theater, the first commercial radio station, the first locomotive for railroad use, the first arcade, and now State Representative Garth Everett will have one of the first local artist programs at the State Capitol.

A few years ago Representative Everett took an interest in featuring local artists from his district in his Capitol office. Last January, his Legislative Assistant, Chanin Zwing, located a larger office during this last election cycle on the fourth floor. “I have lots of room now to show the art,” he said. Everett also noted that he was impressed with the artistic talent in his district when he recently visited the Muncy Historical Society’s juried art show and sale earlier this month. Working with Main Street Director, Becky Fought, Rep. Everett and his aides were able to coordinate a local artist in residency program. His main objective is to showcase the local talent, and give a boost to the local economy. “The art is made here in our area,” he said. He would also like to rotate the art every few months and feature them in his district newsletter. “This would establish an opportunity to have art displayed in his Harrisburg office to give it a district flair,” said his district administrator, Charley Hall, Muncy. Many visitors come to the Pennsylvania Capitol daily, especially when they are in legislative sessions.

Recently he featured the works of Muncy artist, Pam Barner who had on display some of her sculptures and oil paintings. All forms of media are welcome, from pottery to paintings, textiles, decorative and three dimensional art. A biography and background of each local artist is accompanied with their work according to Faught, and will be on display. This month, Hughesville artist and practicing photographer, Paul Barrett, was invited to share some of his award winning photographs with nature, landscapes and digital enhancements. His work will be on display until Feb. 1.

Now in his fifth year, and third term in Harrisburg, Representative Everett has always welcomed visitors. Since 2009 he has had local art work on display starting with a print on loan from the Muncy Historical Society.

All artists within Everett’s district (84th) are welcome to exhibit their work for sale in Harrisburg, and can contact Becky Fought at 570-447-6252, or Charley Hall at 570-546-2084. “However, the legislative districts will be changing and this could open up more areas for more artists,” said Hall.

The Capitol is also open for public guided tours every thirty minutes. Everett said that he will try to be there and greet anyone who comes from his district area while he is in session. “Anyone who is interested can come down to Harrisburg to participate, especially high school students who can participate on the House floor as guest pages,” he said.