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Busting Ghosts!

By Staff | Nov 1, 2013

Members of Dark Shadows Paranormal Group based in Lycoming County were at the Muncy Library on October 7 to discuss their "out of the ordinary" experiences with spirits. Left to right: Dana Gardner, Chris Deremer, Jonathan Casale, Mike Miles, Stacy Casale, and Sarah Lockard. Other members not included in photo are Alyssa Sechler, Lisa Welch, and George McGuinty.

MUNCY – Dark shadows and eerie sounds can be a welcoming sight to a group of ghost experts who find themselves immersed in their hobby of trying to define a true spirit.

This month the Muncy Library hosted a group of visitors who shared their first hand experiences on helping people find answers to the “unknown.”

One of the main leaders , Chris Deremer from Montgomery, said that they have conducted up to 80 cases so far in Northeast Pennsylvania. “We do this in our spare time,” she said, “and we are objective about the evidence we do find.”

Known as Dark Shadows Paranormal Group, the investigators are usually summoned by their clientele. Jonathan Casale, co-leader, has been doing paranormal investigations since 2005.

Most of the time many are scared to say anything if they suspect an outside force. There is always a doubt or being afraid of what others, such as neighbors, might think. “Or if there is something there, they might stir something up,” replied Deremer. “We do get kind of personal.”

Using special equipment that includes motion detectors, voice recorders, K-2 meters, temperature gauges and camcorders among others, the group often will put many hours into each investigation. “We use lots of voice recorder hours, up to 16,” said Casale.

They carry a “spirit box”, an AM/FM radio modified and designed for spirit responses by taking frequencies from the radio and pulling together words. “The spirits will drain our batteries. That’s how they get their energy,” said Casale.

With stationary cameras and a sound recording on their laptop computer, they demonstrated voice overs and what they heard on top of theirs at some of the places they visited.

Dana Gardner from South Williamsport said we never investigate alone. “We always go in pairs.” Some of their sightings that were really memorable so far include a door opening by itself in a Hazleton home, orbs appearing around dark corners in a Newbury, New York home, changing temperatures in a Lewisburg investigation and a photo of a face appearing from an old mining town in Ricketts. “To this day, we don’t know what they did with their dead,” said Deremer. “There were no cemeteries, only foundations.”

Another photo showed a house in Unityville with orbs after someone felt something cold touching her on the shoulder. The photo revealed a long white oval orb touching the owner’s shoulder.

Another unexplainable phenomenom occurred when a face embedded on top of the floorboards in a Gettysburg home appeared.

In Renovo they discovered knocking sounds that suddenly appeared at an old hotel with 16 rooms upstairs.

A Williamsport home revealed an elderly mother communicating with her dead son through the TV. The screen kept saying, “Bury me with Kenny”, and when the owner would turn on the television, it would automatically go to her dead son’s favorite rock station. “We had to have the house blessed for her.”

In a Newberry home in the Williamsport area, they picked up tapping sounds that they couldn’t identify. Eventually the people had to move out.

Sometimes there is demonic activity. A Linden home chose not to have the house cleansed. The energy was so strong, the owners chose to move instead. The activity was very visual and Casale said they could watch the spirits move on the K-2 equipment.

They also like to go to Alvira where they get lots of activity, especially inside the old bunkers. On their website, photos show the moving spirits. They can hear voices inside and they don’t echo like ours they said. The Game Warden does patrol the area 24/7 and the group was startled when he initially found them lurking about. However, once he knew them, they promised to bring him coffee next time.

For seven years, the team of nine have been investigating the paranormal. “If there is something unknown, it is always worth investigating,” added Deremer.

The group only works on weekends and they have all of November booked. They encourage anyone to contact them at www.dsparanormalgroup.com if there is any indication of a spirit or something bothersome.

They work all year long. “If a child is involved, that is our first priority. Children are more likely to reach out and talk to someone.” The members have witnessed flashlights going on and off, nails thrown at them, imaginary hats flying at them, and often have picked up animal sounds. They do not charge a fee.

“I do this because I want to know what’s out there,” Deremer added. Casale organizes the team. Member Alyssa Sechler from Turbotville said, “I have had a lot of experiences since I was little.” She said her mother could hear and see things from people who have passed on. “We are very sensitive to voices and sounds. I like to go on these trips.”

Busting Ghosts!

By Staff | Nov 1, 2013

Members of Dark Shadows Paranormal Group based in Lycoming County were at the Muncy Library on October 7 to discuss their "out of the ordinary" experiences with spirits. Left to right: Dana Gardner, Chris Deremer, Jonathan Casale, Mike Miles, Stacy Casale, and Sarah Lockard. Other members not included in photo are Alyssa Sechler, Lisa Welch, and George McGuinty.

MUNCY – Dark shadows and eerie sounds can be a welcoming sight to a group of ghost experts who find themselves immersed in their hobby of trying to define a true spirit.

This month the Muncy Library hosted a group of visitors who shared their first hand experiences on helping people find answers to the “unknown.”

One of the main leaders , Chris Deremer from Montgomery, said that they have conducted up to 80 cases so far in Northeast Pennsylvania. “We do this in our spare time,” she said, “and we are objective about the evidence we do find.”

Known as Dark Shadows Paranormal Group, the investigators are usually summoned by their clientele. Jonathan Casale, co-leader, has been doing paranormal investigations since 2005.

Most of the time many are scared to say anything if they suspect an outside force. There is always a doubt or being afraid of what others, such as neighbors, might think. “Or if there is something there, they might stir something up,” replied Deremer. “We do get kind of personal.”

Using special equipment that includes motion detectors, voice recorders, K-2 meters, temperature gauges and camcorders among others, the group often will put many hours into each investigation. “We use lots of voice recorder hours, up to 16,” said Casale.

They carry a “spirit box”, an AM/FM radio modified and designed for spirit responses by taking frequencies from the radio and pulling together words. “The spirits will drain our batteries. That’s how they get their energy,” said Casale.

With stationary cameras and a sound recording on their laptop computer, they demonstrated voice overs and what they heard on top of theirs at some of the places they visited.

Dana Gardner from South Williamsport said we never investigate alone. “We always go in pairs.” Some of their sightings that were really memorable so far include a door opening by itself in a Hazleton home, orbs appearing around dark corners in a Newbury, New York home, changing temperatures in a Lewisburg investigation and a photo of a face appearing from an old mining town in Ricketts. “To this day, we don’t know what they did with their dead,” said Deremer. “There were no cemeteries, only foundations.”

Another photo showed a house in Unityville with orbs after someone felt something cold touching her on the shoulder. The photo revealed a long white oval orb touching the owner’s shoulder.

Another unexplainable phenomenom occurred when a face embedded on top of the floorboards in a Gettysburg home appeared.

In Renovo they discovered knocking sounds that suddenly appeared at an old hotel with 16 rooms upstairs.

A Williamsport home revealed an elderly mother communicating with her dead son through the TV. The screen kept saying, “Bury me with Kenny”, and when the owner would turn on the television, it would automatically go to her dead son’s favorite rock station. “We had to have the house blessed for her.”

In a Newberry home in the Williamsport area, they picked up tapping sounds that they couldn’t identify. Eventually the people had to move out.

Sometimes there is demonic activity. A Linden home chose not to have the house cleansed. The energy was so strong, the owners chose to move instead. The activity was very visual and Casale said they could watch the spirits move on the K-2 equipment.

They also like to go to Alvira where they get lots of activity, especially inside the old bunkers. On their website, photos show the moving spirits. They can hear voices inside and they don’t echo like ours they said. The Game Warden does patrol the area 24/7 and the group was startled when he initially found them lurking about. However, once he knew them, they promised to bring him coffee next time.

For seven years, the team of nine have been investigating the paranormal. “If there is something unknown, it is always worth investigating,” added Deremer.

The group only works on weekends and they have all of November booked. They encourage anyone to contact them at www.dsparanormalgroup.com if there is any indication of a spirit or something bothersome.

They work all year long. “If a child is involved, that is our first priority. Children are more likely to reach out and talk to someone.” The members have witnessed flashlights going on and off, nails thrown at them, imaginary hats flying at them, and often have picked up animal sounds. They do not charge a fee.

“I do this because I want to know what’s out there,” Deremer added. Casale organizes the team. Member Alyssa Sechler from Turbotville said, “I have had a lot of experiences since I was little.” She said her mother could hear and see things from people who have passed on. “We are very sensitive to voices and sounds. I like to go on these trips.”