Muncy Bank partners with Pitter Patter Day School
MUNCY – Each year The Muncy Bank and Trust Company receives a special visit from Pitter Patter Day School at its Muncy Office. This year was no exception as 12 children ages 3-5 paraded through the bank’s Main Street doors after their walk through town from the school’s location on E. Penn Street.
On September 15th Pitter Patter kicked off letter “B” week with a trip to the local “bank”. Muncy Bank’s, Cindy Craddock, was happy to volunteer and spent some time with these preschoolers by providing a tour of the facilities and teaching them the many words in the bank that begin with “B”.
Craddock posted colorful “B’s” everywhere and when a “B” word would pop up, such as “borrow” and “balance” she would point them out as they toured the loan offices.
Craddock explained, “If your parents need to buy a home or car they may come to the bank to get help with doing this.” One 5 year old announced to his classmates that his dad just borrowed money for a motorcycle. Craddock grinned and stated, “That’s right!” pleased that he understood. The “board” room received a visit with the children sitting on “blue” chairs around a “brown” table. “This room is for ‘big’ meetings,” Craddock said trying to encourage the “B” sound.
Preschoolers were also interested in pushing “buttons” on the elevator, and holding onto the “banister” when descending the stairs. The children were introduced to the “Big Boss” and “Bank” President, Mr. “Berninger” as he invited them into his office for a “brief” chat.
Some staff involved themselves by pointing out the clothing colors they were wearing like “blue” and “black”. Students were introduced to employees with “B” names, such as Brenda, Barb, and Beth. However, their favorite part of the tour was walking over the “bridge” that connects the bank’s two “buildings”. A few community members walking outside and looking up at the bridge received some smiles and waves from the children excited to be up high.
At the end of the tour, each preschooler received a lollipop, a Muncy Bank coloring sheet, piggy bank, and a dollar coin to drop in their banks to begin saving.
Muncy Bank looks forward to next year’s Pitter Patter visit and hopeful that these small community members will one day become bank customers.