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Luminary Selects April Sunbeam

By Staff | Apr 15, 2020

Hats off to Sethany Derrick, manager at the Muncy McDonald’s, 298 Lycoming Mall. For the past decade, Sethany and her team of co-workers have selflessly given back to the community. Tropical Storm Lee in 2011 overwhelmed central PA with flooding, and Sethany prepared care bags for those affected by flooding. More recently, Easter treat baskets were available at the store last Saturday on a first-come-first-served basis. The week before, 30 care bags containing household cleaning products and personal hygiene items were given to unemployed people who lost income due to COVID-19. The funds that cover the items come directly from Sethany’s bank account and any donations. “We’re a store that’s under the radar and very few people are aware of what we’ve given back,” Sethany said, adding, “It’s the people that work here who care about their community. Anyone can lose their job and can use help when it’s needed.” We salute you, Sethany, and Muncy McDonald’s for being The Luminary’s first choice as a Luminary Sunbeam!

If you would like to nominate an individual, organization or business who brighten their community during this trying time, leave a message at 570.584.2134 or text 570.974.5053.