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Montgomery Local

By Jade Heasley - | Jul 20, 2022

Unfortunately we are having a very dry summer and the grass is like straw. I was walking outside locally in the last week or two and the grass was crunching under my feet like leaves do in the fall.

Please be really careful with any type of fire outside right now. Whether you’re having a campfire, burning trash, setting off fireworks (yes, we’re still hearing some of those at night), or smoking, etc., use caution with any sort of flame. Grass fires in these conditions could be disastrous.

Also in extreme heat, please check on your elderly neighbors and family members, and be careful walking dogs on hot asphalt.

In the meantime, enjoy air conditioning and know that fall will be coming soon.

Montgomery Borough Events

and Announcements

The Montgomery Volunteer Fire Company is accepting donations of bottled water and Gatorade. Donations can be dropped off on Friday and Saturday evenings. Please park by the office door and not in front of the garage doors in case they have to leave on an emergency call. If you can’t make it on these days, leave a message at (570) 547-1380.

Anyone who would like to attend in-person events at the Montgomery Area Public Library needs to register one week ahead by calling (570) 547-6212 or by going to the Events tab on the library’s website. Please advise the library if you or anyone in your family has a food allergy because snacks are served at some events.

Happy birthday to Jeanette Laforme, who is celebrating her special day on July 20th.

If you see Fae Herb on July 24th, be sure to wish her a happy birthday. Many happy returns, Fae!

Wednesday, July 20 – The library will have Book Buddies at 11 a.m. This group is for ages 2-7 to enjoy stories and activities but families are invited. Children need to be accompanied by a parent.

Thursday, July 21 – Doug Bonsall will be the guest speaker at the Montgomery Area Historical Society’s Third Thursday Talk. The topic will be the Eagle Grange #1. The public is invited and admission is free. The talk begins at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 23 – The Montgomery Area Historical Society will open the Adam Room Museum from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The public is invited and there is never a charge for admission.

Monday, July 25 – The library will have Mocktail Monday from 5:00-5:30 p.m. This event is for adults to enjoy mocktails and make a craft. Adults are welcome to bring a partner, parent, or teenage child.

Tuesday, July 26 – The library will have a TNT Nailed It food-making challenge from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. TNT is an activity group for teens and tweens ages 8-17.

Wednesday, July 27 – Book Buddies will meet at the library at 11 a.m. Children should be accompanied by a parent.

Friday, July 29-July 30 – Elimsport Community Yard Sales will be held. The Oak Grove Community Center is allowing residents to set up on their lawn for a donation. Spaces will be available both days from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. If you are interested, please contact the Oak Grove Community Center with Facebook Messenger. Food will be sold by Oak Grove on Saturday, July 30.

THOT – “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein