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Local Features

Picture Rocks Plans Halloween Open House

The Borough of Picture Rocks is planning an open house at the Borough office on Thursday, Oct. 31, from 6-8 p.m. The office will be decorated for the season and open to residents of Picture Rocks. Snacks and drinks will be provided for all who visit.A coloring contest will be held, with prizes ...

Muncy Foundation Awards Grants

Five faculty members from the Muncy School District were awarded grants totaling over $2,600 to enhance the educational opportunities of their students. Presentation occurred at halftime during last Friday's football game.Billie Jo Grohol, principal at Ward L. Myers Elementary School, was ...

Quilt Guild to Meet

The Susquehanna Valley Quilt Guild will hold its next meeting on Thursday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Pennsdale United Methodist Church, 658 Village Road, Pennsdale.Guild member Erin Scheetz will present a program showcasing the new fabric shop in Wellsboro. She and her husband, Todd have opened ...

Zombies in Muncy Township

MUNCY-If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, would you know what to do in order to survive? A Muncy Township author's science fiction book, "The Next 30 Days" may provide readers with a few ideas, should such a catastrophe occur.Powell's book is well-timed, considering the recent fascination ...

Sam’s Club Location of Drug Take Back Day

The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.9 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were ...

Hughesville Homecoming 2019

RUTH FRY/The LuminaryHomecoming 2019 was held at Hughesville High School prior to kickoff on Friday night, Oct. 4 Crowned this year's queen was Gracie Grieco, daughter of Vince Grieco and Bobbie Grieco. She was escorted by Steele Evangelisti, son of Grant and Tricia Evangelisti. Gina Budman was ...

Tri-town Winners at Bloomsburg Fair

Congratulations to the following area residents who recently earned awards at the Bloomsburg Fair:Floral exhibits - Bloomsburg Fair Garden Club - Niche - Entry1st - Muncy Garden ClubFloral exhibits - Bloomsburg Fair Garden Club - Door Entry Award1st - Muncy Garden ClubFloral exhibits - ...

All-American Dairy Show Winners Honored

The All-American Dairy Show was held at the Farm Show Complex last month in Harrisburg.; two in the area earned champion awards. Landree Fraley of Muncy, won Senior and grand champion in the Ayrshire division for Old-Bankston JC Bri's Bikini-E and topped off a Reserve junior champion in the ...

TWO PennDOT Projects Alerts

MUNCY-A lane restriction shift began last Thursday, October 10 on a resurfacing project on Interstate 180 in Lycoming County.The current right (driving) lane restriction will be switched to the left (passing) lane on both the eastbound and westbound directions near Route 405 and Route 2044 ...

Muncy Monster Dash Registration

The ninth annual Monster Dash 5K Run/Walk and Kids' Fun Run is scheduled for Saturday, October 26, at 9:30 a.m. (Run/Walk) and 9:35 a.m. (Kids 1 mile FunRun).Hosted by the Organization of Parents and Teachers (OPT), proceeds from this event will be used to support programs, activities and ...