123 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Nov. 27, 1885
Albright-Grange. Married at Lewisburg, Pa., on Wednesday, November 18, 1885, Mr. William L. Albright and Miss Ada E. Grange, both of Muncy, Pa.
The first snow of the season here fell on Saturday, November 21st, and this week we have had an old-fashioned snow storm for two days.
The repairs on Mr. H. V. Peterman’s residence on N. Main St., are rapidly approaching completion. His house is now one of the most unique and beautiful places in this part of the country.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Nov. 26, 1908
Some of the attractions at the vaudeville entertainment by home talent on December 11, will be Crawford and Goodenow, presenting their sketch, “Bill Blowhard, Author and Actor,” and a bride and groom chorus from Mexicana, sung by Ivy Corson and Clarence Shaw.
The following from Muncy took the Civil service examination at Williamsport, last Thursday: Martha Brittain, Mr. Runyan, Thos. Flack and Bertha Henry.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary-Nov. 23, 1933
3 cents
Early action toward the construction of a new postoffice at Muncy is expected now that the Public Works Administration has begun to make allotments. The postoffice projects come as a part of the $900,000,000 program that was transferred to the administration last July upon executive order of the President.
Probably the first of its kind ever to be held was the radio funeral service over WRAK for Miss Jean Peters, Montgomery victim of infantile paralysis. Due to the decision of a representative of the State Health Department the services of a minister at the girl’s funeral were denied.
The parents appealed to radio station WRAK, at Williamsport. On Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, as the family gathered before the radio, a complete funeral service was broadcast from the radio station, their own pastor, the Rev. A. F. Klepfer, of the Evangelical Lutheran church being before the microphone.
Because of the quarantine regulations, the parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Peters, sat alone through the service, no friends being allowed to help them share their sorrow.
Rays-Miss Emily Richey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richey, of Muncy, was united in marriage to Frank Fagnano, of Williamsport, November 18th; Hazel L. Buck, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Buck, of this place, and Kenneth E. Poust, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poust of Hughesville, were united in marriage at Hagerstown, Md., on Saturday, November 12.
Births-An 8-pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Rizzo, recently. Mrs. Rizzo will b remembered as Miss Mary Richey; to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall, on Saturday, November 18, at Pennsdale, a son who has been named Lewis Artley.
Deaths-Miss Jean Peters, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Peters, died at her home at Montgomery Monday morning.
At the Strand-Three-Cornered Moon.
Ad-Roman Eye Balsam.
50 Years Ago
The Luminary-Oct. 30, 1958
5 cents
Coincidental with the observance of National Book Week Nov. 2-8, will be the reopening of the Muncy Public Library which has undergone a complete renovation and face-lift during the last ten weeks.
Personals-Miss Althea Mae Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Myers of Unityville, and Carl Blain, of Baltimore, Md., exchanged wedding vows Oct. 25.
Births-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oden, Muncy, son Jay B., Oct. 22; Mr.and Mrs. Olen Johnson, Muncy, son Lewis Charles, Oct. 23; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Arthur, Muncy, daughter Debra Lee, Oct. 24; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright, Montgomery, Debra Elaine, Oct. 24; Mr. and Mrs. Dane Detrick, Muncy, are the parents of their sixth child and fifth daughter, named Christine, Oct. 22.
Deaths-Mrs. Florence Green, who died Oct. 2 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Staib; Mrs. Clara J. Weller, Oct. 23; John H. Bair, Montgomery, Oct. 23; Jacob Dewald, Muncy, Oct. 29.
At the Ritz-The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter.
Ad-Young’s Candy Co., 4 blocks east of Divine Providence Hospital.
25 Years Ago
The Luminary-Oct. 6, 1983
25 cents
A 90-year-old steel truss bridge that carries Route 44 traffic over Pine Creek at Waterville in a few years will be a pedestrian bridge on the Appalachian Trail.
The venture is being done through the efforts of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, which will build a replacement bridge at Waterville, and the Department of Environmental Resources, which oversees the state park system.
Wilmos Csehy, of Muncy Terraces, founder and director of Muncy Terraces since November 1978 and director of the Csehy Summer School of Music, died October 5 following a recent history of increased heart problems.
Personals-Miss Tammy S. Richart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Richart, Muncy, became the bride of Jason L. Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Robbins, Muncy, Sept. 30.
John Lambert recently spent 10 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lambert, of South Washington Street, Muncy. John resides with his sister, Claire, in Incline Village, on the north shore of Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
Births-Mr. and Mrs. Terry Burns, Montgomery, daughter Christa Ann, Sept. 27; Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman III, Milton, daughter Alisha Rae, Sept. 16.
Deaths-Lajos J. Torok, father of James R. Torok, Hughesville, Sept. 27; Miss Julia C. Moodie, Hughesville, Sept. 28; Fred Lynn Phillips, Muncy, Sept. 28; Mrs. Helen M.Gordner, Muncy, Sept. 28; Mrs. Julia E. Charles, Montgomery, Sept. 29; Willard E. Sanders, Liberty, Oct. 3; Mrs. Emma D. Ellison, Oct. 4; Olen M. Johnson, Muncy, Oct. 3.
Ad-Murray’s Cheese House, Montour Plaza.
10 Years Ago
The Luminary-Nov. 11, 1998
35 cents
Muncy artists Nella Godbey Storm and Selinda Kennedy have collaborated for the past eight years, sharing each other’s gifts and talents to yield more than 1,000 pieces of art done on redware. Their latest joint art production, The Snowmen series, displayed at a show in Fort Washington last February, caught the attention of Country Living magazine and will be featured in its 1998 holiday edition.
Five years ago Anna M. Falat opened her first office in Elysburg. Well aware that she was introducing a relatively new business designed with a customer-friendly edge, Falat’s service proved to be much needed and soon expanded. She is president of Action Abstract Associates, a title agency which provides settlement services for any real estate transactions, including purchases, leases and refinances.
Personals-Amber Hess, daughter of Charles and Victoria Thompson-Hess of Muncy, a sophomore in the Theater ARts department at Kutztown University, was recently cast as “Applegate” in the staged musical concert version of Damn Yankees. Those familiar with this well known production realize that Amber is an unorthodox choice for the role, as it is usually performed by a male. However, the combination of Amber’s strong alto singing voice and her commanding stage presence makes Applegate” an appropriate role for her.
Births-None reported.
Deaths-Edna May Renninger, formerly of Muncy, Nov. 1; Enos B. Moore, formerly of North Wales, Nov. 1; Evelyn Mae Gray, Pennsdale, Nov. 4; Bruce w. Eichenlaub Sr., formerly of Hughesville, Oct. 15; Andrew Y. Hoult, Montgomery, Nov. 4; Ralph Lauchle, Muncy, Nov. 6; Herman H. Braim, Muncy, Nov. 7; George Alfred Beaver, formerly of Muncy, Nov. 6; Mickey K. Haynes, Hughesville, Nov. 6.
Ad-Anderson Construction.