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By Staff | Nov 26, 2008

123 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Dec. 11, 1885

Sunday night was bitterly cold and on Monday morning the river was frozen clear across down at Port Penn. That same morning Morris Colley skated on the Canal from Port Penn up to the Basin, although it had been freezing only a few hours.

The cards are out for the marriage of Miss S. Amelia Painter, daughter of Hon. W. P. I. Painter, to Mr. W. Myers, of Williamsport, which takes place on Thursday evening, December 17.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Dec. 10, 1908

Friday, December 4, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordner.

Mathias Rothfuss and Harvey Pentz left last Thursday for Rochester, where they will attend the funeral of the former’s daughter-in-law, Mrs. Aaron Rothfuss.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary-Dec. 7, 1933

3 cents

Wilbur Minnier and George R. Smith, two of the three prisoners who escaped from the county jail early last week were found in a county-owned barn, about ten miles from Picture Rocks, late Sunday evening.

With the ratification of the 21st amendment to the United States constitution by the State of Utah, Tuesday evening, the 14 year old 18th amendment was repealed and legal liquor authorized in all states which did not otherwise remain in the dry list.

Rays-Miss Imogene Speicher and Elwin E. Kelly, both of Galeton, were united in marriage on Thanksgiving Day at the Lutheran church.

Miss Emma Umpstead became the bride of Milton Worthington at a quiet wedding ceremony last Saturday morning, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barbour, of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Oakland Woodside entertained on Monday evening in celebration of their tenth wedding anniversary. They were the recipients of a number of beautiful gifts.

Births-None reported.

Deaths-None reported.

Ad-The new Ford V-8 for 1934 on display Dec. 9, at Wolf Motor Company, Muncy.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Nov. 27, 1958

5 cents

Efforts are now underway to bring a new industry to Hughesville. If successful, the new factory which at the outset will employ about 45 persons, will be moving to the former Foust Trailer building within the near future–probably even before the first of the year. The industry, Beaver Springs Industries, manufactures woodworking products and specializes in desk tops, and school and kindergarten furniture.

Personals-Miss Rose Ella Snook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snook, of near Allenwood, became the bride of Marlin D. Fausey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fausey, of Muncy. Nov. 7.

Miss Linda Diana Magargel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magargel of near Lairdsville, and Dwight Eugene Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Myers, of Hughesville, were married Nov. 22.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Faus, Hughesville, daughter Carol ann, Nov. 19; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Barto, Hughesville, son Douglas Allan, Nov. 19; daughter Ruth Alberta, Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craft, Hughesville; daughter Nancy Renn, Nov. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Arylnn Price, Picture rocks; son John Donald, Nov. 23, Mr. and Mrs. John Heilman, Muncy; daughter Leigh Ann, Nov. 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lore, Unityville,; daughter Gale Susan, Nov. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Houseknecht, Muncy; son, Nov. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hill, Hughesville, daughter, Nov. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Myers, Muncy Valley..

Deaths-None reported.

At the Ritz-Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, starring Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Burl Ives.

Ad-Henry’s Deerskin Sportswear, Lewistown, Pa.

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Nov. 23, 1983

25 cents

A Canadian trucker will be giving thanks this holiday for the bravery of William Lee Welch, Jr. of Muncy who dragged the man from his burning rig last Wednesday, .

Former Hughesville Borough Mayor Pauline Montgomery announced her candidacy for State Assembly-woman representing the 84th District, currently held by Rep. Joseph V. Grieco.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Terry Burns, Montgomery, daughter Christa An, Sept. 27; Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman III, Milton, daughter Alisha Rae, Sept. 16.

Deaths-Mrs. Helen B. Heess, Shunk, Nov. 17; Cloyd R. Houseknecht, formerly of Hughesville, Nov. 21; Arley T. Jacobs, Hughesville, Nov. 16; Mrs. Harriet E. Fisk, Montoursville native, Nov. 18; James L. Raemsch Sr., Montgomery, Nov. 18; Mrs. Laura M. Moser, Watsontown, Nov. 17; Mrs. Reba D. Robbins, Hughesville native, Nov. 13; Carl C. Puderbach, chairman of the Jordan Twp. supervisors and a former member of the East Lycoming School Board, Nov. 14; Boies Penrose Hall Sr., Williamsport, Nov. 18; John Q. Steely Jr., Montoursville, Nov. 12; Mrs. Leonida E. Bridinger, Montoursville, Nov. 17; John T. Shadle, Williamsport, Nov. 17.

At the Ritz-Stephen King’s Dead Zone.

Ad-Hyde’s Cove, Montoursville.

10 Years Ago

The Luminary-Nov. 25, 1998

35 cents

Anticipating his new duties, Muncy Police Cpl. David L. Shultz will be officially confirmed after a year-long confirmation effort as Lycoming County coroner this coming week by county president Judge Clinton W. Smith.

David Larue Shires II, 27, of 1874 Route 405 Highway, Muncy, was arrested at his home last weekend for the rape of a 17-year-old girl at her workplace, a video store, Saturday evening 10:45 p.m. Shires entered the store wearing a red ski mask and carrying a black and silver buck knife, and forced the girl to the back of the store where he sexually assaulted her.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Jamie F. Bloom, Montgomery, daughter, Nov. 18; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Kula, Muncy, son, Oct. 15.

Deaths-George S. Waltman, Muncy, nov. 21; Thelma L. Decker, Montgomery, Nov. 20; Gladys Jane Griggs, wife of Muncy native, Max E. Griggs, Nov. 8; James Raymond Stanley, Muncy, Nov. 18; Ruth Smith, formerly of Muncy, Nov. 17; Walter Lee Shoemaker, Muncy, Nov. 14; Jennie Irene Harris, Montgomery, Nov. 20.

Ad-Greenwood Garden Center, Old Rte. 147 between Lycoming Mall and Muncy.

123 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Dec. 11, 1885

Sunday night was bitterly cold and on Monday morning the river was frozen clear across down at Port Penn. That same morning Morris Colley skated on the Canal from Port Penn up to the Basin, although it had been freezing only a few hours.

The cards are out for the marriage of Miss S. Amelia Painter, daughter of Hon. W. P. I. Painter, to Mr. W. Myers, of Williamsport, which takes place on Thursday evening, December 17.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Dec. 10, 1908

Friday, December 4, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordner.

Mathias Rothfuss and Harvey Pentz left last Thursday for Rochester, where they will attend the funeral of the former’s daughter-in-law, Mrs. Aaron Rothfuss.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary-Dec. 7, 1933

3 cents

Wilbur Minnier and George R. Smith, two of the three prisoners who escaped from the county jail early last week were found in a county-owned barn, about ten miles from Picture Rocks, late Sunday evening.

With the ratification of the 21st amendment to the United States constitution by the State of Utah, Tuesday evening, the 14 year old 18th amendment was repealed and legal liquor authorized in all states which did not otherwise remain in the dry list.

Rays-Miss Imogene Speicher and Elwin E. Kelly, both of Galeton, were united in marriage on Thanksgiving Day at the Lutheran church.

Miss Emma Umpstead became the bride of Milton Worthington at a quiet wedding ceremony last Saturday morning, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barbour, of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Oakland Woodside entertained on Monday evening in celebration of their tenth wedding anniversary. They were the recipients of a number of beautiful gifts.

Births-None reported.

Deaths-None reported.

Ad-The new Ford V-8 for 1934 on display Dec. 9, at Wolf Motor Company, Muncy.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Nov. 27, 1958

5 cents

Efforts are now underway to bring a new industry to Hughesville. If successful, the new factory which at the outset will employ about 45 persons, will be moving to the former Foust Trailer building within the near future–probably even before the first of the year. The industry, Beaver Springs Industries, manufactures woodworking products and specializes in desk tops, and school and kindergarten furniture.

Personals-Miss Rose Ella Snook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snook, of near Allenwood, became the bride of Marlin D. Fausey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fausey, of Muncy. Nov. 7.

Miss Linda Diana Magargel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magargel of near Lairdsville, and Dwight Eugene Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Myers, of Hughesville, were married Nov. 22.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Faus, Hughesville, daughter Carol ann, Nov. 19; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Barto, Hughesville, son Douglas Allan, Nov. 19; daughter Ruth Alberta, Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craft, Hughesville; daughter Nancy Renn, Nov. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Arylnn Price, Picture rocks; son John Donald, Nov. 23, Mr. and Mrs. John Heilman, Muncy; daughter Leigh Ann, Nov. 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lore, Unityville,; daughter Gale Susan, Nov. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Houseknecht, Muncy; son, Nov. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hill, Hughesville, daughter, Nov. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Myers, Muncy Valley..

Deaths-None reported.

At the Ritz-Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, starring Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Burl Ives.

Ad-Henry’s Deerskin Sportswear, Lewistown, Pa.

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Nov. 23, 1983

25 cents

A Canadian trucker will be giving thanks this holiday for the bravery of William Lee Welch, Jr. of Muncy who dragged the man from his burning rig last Wednesday, .

Former Hughesville Borough Mayor Pauline Montgomery announced her candidacy for State Assembly-woman representing the 84th District, currently held by Rep. Joseph V. Grieco.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Terry Burns, Montgomery, daughter Christa An, Sept. 27; Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman III, Milton, daughter Alisha Rae, Sept. 16.

Deaths-Mrs. Helen B. Heess, Shunk, Nov. 17; Cloyd R. Houseknecht, formerly of Hughesville, Nov. 21; Arley T. Jacobs, Hughesville, Nov. 16; Mrs. Harriet E. Fisk, Montoursville native, Nov. 18; James L. Raemsch Sr., Montgomery, Nov. 18; Mrs. Laura M. Moser, Watsontown, Nov. 17; Mrs. Reba D. Robbins, Hughesville native, Nov. 13; Carl C. Puderbach, chairman of the Jordan Twp. supervisors and a former member of the East Lycoming School Board, Nov. 14; Boies Penrose Hall Sr., Williamsport, Nov. 18; John Q. Steely Jr., Montoursville, Nov. 12; Mrs. Leonida E. Bridinger, Montoursville, Nov. 17; John T. Shadle, Williamsport, Nov. 17.

At the Ritz-Stephen King’s Dead Zone.

Ad-Hyde’s Cove, Montoursville.

10 Years Ago

The Luminary-Nov. 25, 1998

35 cents

Anticipating his new duties, Muncy Police Cpl. David L. Shultz will be officially confirmed after a year-long confirmation effort as Lycoming County coroner this coming week by county president Judge Clinton W. Smith.

David Larue Shires II, 27, of 1874 Route 405 Highway, Muncy, was arrested at his home last weekend for the rape of a 17-year-old girl at her workplace, a video store, Saturday evening 10:45 p.m. Shires entered the store wearing a red ski mask and carrying a black and silver buck knife, and forced the girl to the back of the store where he sexually assaulted her.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Jamie F. Bloom, Montgomery, daughter, Nov. 18; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Kula, Muncy, son, Oct. 15.

Deaths-George S. Waltman, Muncy, nov. 21; Thelma L. Decker, Montgomery, Nov. 20; Gladys Jane Griggs, wife of Muncy native, Max E. Griggs, Nov. 8; James Raymond Stanley, Muncy, Nov. 18; Ruth Smith, formerly of Muncy, Nov. 17; Walter Lee Shoemaker, Muncy, Nov. 14; Jennie Irene Harris, Montgomery, Nov. 20.

Ad-Greenwood Garden Center, Old Rte. 147 between Lycoming Mall and Muncy.