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By Staff | Jan 8, 2009

123 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Jan. 22, 1886

There have been numerous sleighing parties throughout the country during the last week. On Friday night a party went up to Hughesville, and on Monday evening about sevently young people went to the home of Mr. Peter Bellis in Muncy township. They had a merry time and a grant supper, and didn’t get home until daylight on Tuesday.

The new steam-heating apparatus at the school house worked admirably well last week, and all the rooms were well heated during the severest weather.

We are informed that Samuel Jennings had his leg broken in two places while wrestling at the Railroad House last Friday.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Jan. 18, 1909

John Fry met with a terrible accident at the plant of Sprout Waldron and Company this (Thursday) afternoon about 4 o’clock, and died two hours later from his injuries. He was operating a grinding machine when his clothes became caught, and he was drawn into the machine, severing a large blood vessel in his neck, and almost all the bones in his body were broken. He was 47 years old and leaves his wife and one son, Henry.

On the early morning of January 15th, Mrs. Laura Heiney passed away at her home near the Reading station, after a long illness which offered no hope at any time of an entire recovery.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary-Jan. 18, 1934

3 cents

The Keystone Hook and Ladder company are the recipents of an equipment truck, a donation from Brewer Bros. Garage, of this place. The truck will be remodeled and repainted at no cost to the fire company, and used as a fire company equipment truck, which has long been needed, the company having no place to store boots, hates, coats, and other equiment needed at a fire.

Rays-W. F. Venrick is able to be out after an attack of grippe.

Births-None reported.

Deaths-Harvey W. Whitehead, president-judge of Lycoming county for two terms prior to his retirement early in 1932, died suddently Thursday evening while sitting in a chair talking to members of his family; Mrs. Cornelia Hopewell, widow of Harry U. Hopewell, who was a well known sign artist in Scranton during his life, died Sunday night in the home of her daughter, Mrs. John J. Zeugner, in Baltmore; George W. Lawrenson, age 73, formerly of Hughesville, died at his home Tuesday morning; J. Russell Glass, prominent lumbermand and local business man died at his home this morning; Mrs. Allen P. Perley, president of the Home for the Friendless at Williamsport, died at her home in Vallamont, early Monday morning.

Ad-Westinghouse Adjust-O-Matic Electric Iron, $4.95.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 8, 1959

5 cents

Business will boom in the 60’s according to a year-end report from the Kiplinger organization on changes and growth during the next decade.

Approximately 180 high school bandsmen and their directors will assemble in Muncy this week-end for the annual district high school band festival, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Music Education Association.

Personals-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barto, of near Muncy, recently observed their 42nd wedding anniversary.

The wedding of Janet Simpson, of Brookville, to Guy Temple, of Pottsville, was solemnized Dec. 27.

Harry (Bob) Wertman, of Muncy, concluded 28 years of employment at the Industrial State Home near Muncy on Jan. 1, with his official retirement.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall, Unityville, first 1959 baby born at Muncy Valley hospital, daughter Denise Kathryn, Jan. 2; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Houseknecht, Lairdsville, twin daughters Susan Marie and Sharon Lee, Dec. 31; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Walters, Hughesville, son Rick Charles, Dec. 31; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCourt, Williamsport, son Matthew Melvin, Jan. 3; Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Sheets, Sonestown, daughter Jan. 5; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sones, Muncy, daughter, Jan. 6; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Houseknecht, Muncy, daughter, Jan. 7; Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rogers Jr., Lansdale, son James C. Rogers III, Jan. 2; Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Adams, Allenwood, daughter, Dec. 31; Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Shaner, Hughesville, daughter, Dec. 31.

Deaths-None reported.

At the Ritz-Damn Yankees, starring Tab Hunter and Gwen Verdon.

Ad-Evelyln’s Gyro Reducing Salon, 171 S. Third St., Hughesville.

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 12, 1984

25 cents

A controversy has arisen in Muncy Creek Township regarding health and accident insurance coverage for elected officials at a purported annual premium of $1600 per person. Auditors directed a letter of inquiry to the supervisors following their audit of 1982 business, questioning why two elected official who are not employed by the township were covered by insurance.

Personals-Karen Bird will reign as the 1984 Pennsylvania Strawberry Quenn. Karen,m a senior at Muncy High School, will represent the newly formed Pennsylvania Strawberry Growers Association, headquartered in Muncy.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stover, Muncy, will be celebrating their 50th wedding aniversary Jan. 21.

S.S.G. Danny chirdon and Elizabeth Hoppe Murray were married Nov. 26 in St. Robert, Missouri.

A family dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Starr, Sr. of 265 South Second Street was held by their children in the Clarkstown Fire Hall, Dec. 27 on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary.

Deaths-Miss Rosa S. Hill, Montoursville, Jan. 5; Mrs. Margaret Deichsel, Williamsport, Jan. 6; William Wurster Spotts, Muncy, Dec. 31; William B. Russell, Montoursville, Dec. 31; Mrs. Bette C. bongiovi, Northumberland, Jan. 1; Mrs. Carrie A. Duck, Rebersburg, Jan. 5; Samuel F. Eckert, Williamsport, Jan. 2; William A. Middlesworth, New Columbia, Jan. 3; Kenneth E. Fernsler Sr., Lebanon, Jan. 7; Mrs. Josephine O. bastress, Jan. 8; William E. MartinDuboistown, Jan. 5; Mrs. Martha E. Kelbaugh, Avis, Jan. 7.

Ad-Snow Ball, Jan. 14, music by Alison Wonderband, sponsored by the Muncy Valley City Council of Beta Sigma Phi for the benefit of Muncy Valley Hospital.

10 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 13, 1999

35 cents

During the Muncy Borough Council’s first meeting of 1999, held Jan. 5, borough solicitor William E. Nichols emphasized the need to assure that all borough vendors and service providers have made necessary changes in order to avoid possible computer malfunctions due to the upcoming year 2000 problem (Y2K).

Nichols explained that many computer programs made prior to 1996 were not programmed to read past 1999 and may interpret 2000 as 1900. Therefore, programs may promptly shut down, or refuse to receive new information, or will malfunction.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Fuller, Muncy, son, Jan. 2; Mr. and Mrs. F. James Herr Ii, Muncy, daughter, Dec. 23.

Deaths-Shirley A. Nuss, Muncy, Jan. 11; Mark A. Wilhelm, Muncy, Jan. 11; Marjorie H. Artley, Muncy, Jan. 6.

Ad-Lyon Camping and Supply.